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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:15:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djepi's homepage  Reply with quote
I know there are sites out there but theres not one site which sells mp3s from all the 'big' hardcore artists. People can't be bothered searching tons of different websites and even then they probably won't find much.

I was looking for somewhere to buy Gammers latest stuff and some new tracks from Al Storm. Two big artists, no downloads.

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Edited by - djepi on 2007/12/14 21:20:47
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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:20:28  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Leto's homepage  Reply with quote
^^Their new stuff isn't on vinyl either.

It depends on the label if it ever sees a download release.


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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:24:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit HARRIBO's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by djepi:
I know there are sites out there but theres not one site which sells mp3s from all the 'big' hardcore artists. People can't be bothered searching tons of different websites and even then they probably won't find much.

I was looking for somewhere to buy Gammers latest stuff and some new tracks from Al Storm. Two big artists, no downloads.

good luck there although have heard that a next gen mp3 store will be up soon

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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:24:54  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djepi's homepage  Reply with quote
^^Their new stuff isn't on vinyl either.
It depends on the label if it ever sees a download release.


I can't download it and
I can't buy it on vinyl either.


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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:26:57  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Leto's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by djepi:
^^Their new stuff isn't on vinyl either.
It depends on the label if it ever sees a download release.


I can't download it and
I can't buy it on vinyl either.


Yeah, stuff that's on compilations is usually not out on anything at the same time. Although, Next Gen and Nu Energy are usually exceptions to that rule.


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DJ Euphoric
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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:28:35  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Euphoric's homepage  Reply with quote
Half of their stuff does not work.

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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:36:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djepi's homepage  Reply with quote
Yeah, stuff that's on compilations is usually not out on anything at the same time. Although, Next Gen and Nu Energy are usually exceptions to that rule.

I know - fustrating isn't it. I don't know of another genre of dance music that operates like that.

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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  21:38:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit HARRIBO's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by djepi:
^^Their new stuff isn't on vinyl either.
It depends on the label if it ever sees a download release.


I can't download it and
I can't buy it on vinyl either.


Yeah, stuff that's on compilations is usually not out on anything at the same time. Although, Next Gen and Nu Energy are usually exceptions to that rule.

some djs prefer to keep their new records for use at raves 1 so that people will hear them and want to buy them and 2 so other djs dont get hold of a copy and use them at rival raves

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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  23:20:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by HARRIBO:
Originally posted by djepi:
I know there are sites out there but theres not one site which sells mp3s from all the 'big' hardcore artists. People can't be bothered searching tons of different websites and even then they probably won't find much.

I was looking for somewhere to buy Gammers latest stuff and some new tracks from Al Storm. Two big artists, no downloads.

good luck there although have heard that a next gen mp3 store will be up soon

Brisk hasn't comfirmed that, and frankly, when the new site is up, I dont tihink the MP3 store will be there (yet). And if it is. Then I will buy each and evry track (even those I dont like at all)

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
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Edited by - Samination on 2007/12/14 23:22:28
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Posted - 2007/12/14 :  23:40:43  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit raindance-rob's homepage  Reply with quote
i never said that pirate radio was for profit (it aint) i know more then anyone how it works cuz iv run two stations myself, all that im saying is that ppl moan about p2p but pirate radio is the same no one gets paid, thats all that i meant.

i agree most legal sites dont have what we're after or if they do (eg its all tunes by ppl no ones ever heard of before, imo downloads mp3s sound shit, most are low bitrate & have been ripped from vinyl (poorly).

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Posted - 2007/12/15 :  00:19:32  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit raindance-rob's homepage  Reply with quote
2bh i dont by cds i prefer to have the vinyl i always have.

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Posted - 2007/12/15 :  09:29:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Torpex's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by raindancerob:
imo downloads mp3s sound shit, most are low bitrate & have been ripped from vinyl (poorly).

Umm... LOL?

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Posted - 2007/12/15 :  10:01:42  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit __CMC__'s homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Torpex:
Originally posted by raindancerob:
imo downloads mp3s sound shit, most are low bitrate & have been ripped from vinyl (poorly).

Umm... LOL?

I would agree with that! Have got a few tracks from the Bass Genertar label all sounded fine but i bought "techno wonderland" the version i got from p2p is a lower bitrate but the quality of it is so much better, also have the Ripped 2 FCUK version of true love never dies the recording of that is piss poor with major clipping, since then i have not used IMO again

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Posted - 2007/12/15 :  13:34:36  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage  Reply with quote
ehm, I got that True Love never dies from IMO Download and it's not shit. Why would Sy upload a vinyl ripp from a label Im sure he has completely in digital?

Anyways, most of the older labels (such as Bass Generator and Slammin Vinyl) where ripped from vinyl or old DATs so yea, the quality should be fairly lower... but come on. Also, The NEC MP3 store also had some lower quality ones (do you remember the message above the lists? "We got about 90% of the tracks on DAT". So some will not be full quality)

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
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Posted - 2007/12/15 :  14:01:23  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Cotts's homepage  Reply with quote
It is a very difficult situation indeed, if there was a clear solution or answer it would have been implemented already. The fact is there is not a practical means to protect your content in this day and age where home computers have the capability to copy media, this is not just a problem with hardcore it affects EVERY type of licenced digital content. It just really hits home with hardcore as its a small community / business. e.g. How much money has microsoft lost becuase of pirated copies of windows? It would be in the billions.

My point is its a problem affecting everyone.

I was having a chat to a few producers on the weekend (I won't name anyone) but they felt as though it is a good thing for hardcore. They felt as though it will push it in a new direction, away from a standard business model which is driven by money. Sure the compilation albums will drop off but people doing it purely for the passion will continue to do so.

Again I see the other side to this arguement, im not saying i support the view that money should not be paid becuase artists do really deserve to get paid for the wonderful music they create.

I cannot think of a solution to this problem it just goes round in circles, just like everyones discussions will do. Sure the business model is oriented for dj's, but you cannot blame the producers of the content for loosing out money due to piracy. There are many ways to approach this and there are many factors, lets just hope hardcore survives through it and people put the money into the music that they love.


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