Release item details
Nu Energy Collective - Live At Frantic |
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Release item infomation |
Item Release date: |
2005/07/01 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0.2% - (1/558) |
Want: |
0.2% - (1/558) |
Release item tracks |
 Nu Energy Collective - Live At Frantic [RESISTCD44]
 [1-01] - [K-Complex] - Higher (K-Complex remix)
 [1-02] - [K-Complex, J.P Reacher] - My World
 [1-03] - [K-Complex] - Hooverspace
 [1-04] - [K-Complex, Matt Style] - Something In Me (NEC Edit)
 [1-05] - [AMS] - Blazing Guns (Remix)
 [1-06] - [AMS, Elvis] - BHE
 [1-07] - [Kevin Energy, K-Complex] - Thumpin Pumpin
 [1-08] - [Ali Wilson, Danny Gilligan] - Cold Shiver (Kevin Energy remix)
 [1-09] - [AMS, Andy Vinal, Matt Style] - Losing Control (NEC Edit)
 [1-10] - [Kevin Energy, Yoshi] - Heaven And Hell
 [1-11] - [AMS, K-Complex] - Echelon (PA Edit)
 [1-12] - [K-Complex, Sharkey, Kevin Energy] - NEC Theme
 [1-13] - [Smyrky, Kevin Energy] - Let Ya Body Go (Kevin Energy remix)
 [1-14] - [Kevin Energy, AMS] - The White Stuff (NEC Edit)
 [1-15] - [K-Complex, Sharkey, Kevin Energy] - Anna
 [1-16] - [Kevin Energy] - Feel The Heat (NEC Edit)
 [1-17] - [Kevin Energy] - Chemical Terror
 [1-18] - [K-Complex, Mark Ashley] - Atomic Orbital (NEC Edit)
 [1-19] - [Arkitech] - Under The Influence (Sharkey & Arkitech remix)
 [1-20] - [K-Complex] - Adagio (NEC Edit)
 [2-01] - [K-Complex, Matt Style] - Something In Me (Exclusive Mix)
 [2-02] - [AMS, Elvis] - BHE
 [2-03] - [AMS, Andy Vinal, Matt Style] - Losing Control (Exclusive Mix)
 [2-04] - [AMS, K-Complex] - Echelon (Exclusive Mix)
 [2-05] - [Smyrky, Kevin Energy] - Let Ya Body Go (Kevin Energy remix)
 [2-06] - [Kevin Energy, AMS] - The White Stuff (Kevin Energy remix)
 [2-07] - [K-Complex, Sharkey, Kevin Energy] - Anna
 [2-08] - [K-Complex, Mark Ashley] - Atomic Orbital (NEC Edit)
 [2-09] - [Arkitech] - Under The Influence (Sharkey & Arkitech remix)
 [2-10] - [K-Complex] - Adagio (NEC Edit)
 [2-11] - [Kevin Energy, Phil Reynolds] - Pounding Senses
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