Release item details
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Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
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0.4% - (2/558) |
Want: |
0.2% - (1/558) |
Release item tracks |
Decadance Recordings
 Hardcore 1 [DECBOX28CD]
 [CD1-1] - [Scooter] - Back In The UK
 [CD1-2] - [Bass X] - Hardcore Disco
 [CD1-3] - [Charly Lownoise, Mental Theo] - Wonderful Days
 [CD1-4] - [Sy, Unknown] - Techno Harmony
 [CD1-5] - [Interactive] - Forever Young
 [CD1-6] - [Porn Kings, The] - Shake Ya Shimmy (Porn Kings Original Mix) feat. 740 Boyz
 [CD1-7] - [Happy Rollers] - 95 Style
 [CD1-8] - [Scott Brown] - Now Is The Time
 [CD1-9] - [Ultimate Buzz] - Check Da Bass
 [CD1-10] - [Technohead] - I Wanna Be A Hippy
 [CD2-1] - [Triple J] - Follow The Sun
 [CD2-2] - [Billy 'D' Bunter] - Come Alive
 [CD2-3] - [Sense of Summer] - On Top
 [CD2-4] - [Vampire, The] - Technostorm (Sharkey Remix)
 [CD2-5] - [Dougal, Eruption] - Party Time
 [CD2-6] - [Bang the future] - Body Slam
 [CD2-7] - [Paul Elstak] - Rainbow In The Sky
 [CD2-8] - [Ham, Demo, DJ, Justin Time] - Here I Am
 [CD2-9] - [Sy, Unknown] - What Is A DJ
 [CD2-10] - [Fabulous Faber] - Better Day
 [CD3-1] - [2 Damn Tuff] - Ruff Muff
 [CD3-2] - [JDS] - Higher Love (Slipmatt Remix)
 [CD3-3] - [Sy, Demo, DJ] - Devotion
 [CD3-4] - [Chewy, DJ] - Rock This Place
 [CD3-5] - [Triple J] - Have It All
 [CD3-6] - [Hixxy, Sharkey] - Toytown
 [CD3-7] - [Demo, DJ] - You're Mine
 [CD3-8] - [Bang!] - Shooting Star
 [CD3-9] - [Unknown, Sy] - Dreadland
 [CD3-10] - [Styles, Force] - Heart Of Gold
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