New Member
United States
35 posts Joined: Oct, 2010
Posted - 2019/05/02 : 01:41:18
Two vocal tracks from me. I made the first with the intention of releasing it on a label, but the first label I sent it to wanted to sit on it and I was not into that. The second label wanted me to make it sound more modern, but I wrote the track with the intention of it sounding older, and I did not want to compromise my vision of it. I decided that self releasing it was best.
I made the second track around an acapella I liked. It took me a long time to figure some chords that worked well with the vocals. I actually started it in 2017, but got stuck and did not make much progress. The project was just the vocals and a piano with unfinished chords, so I decided to really go at it and was able to figure out some nice chords. I am really happy with how both of these songs turned out.
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