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hardcore heaven awards meetup!!

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mcjutt has attended 5 events
Posted - 2003/09/30 :  07:54:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Originally posted by dj deddley:
Originally posted by mcjutt:
Blllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhddddddddy good idea man :) have to arrange something. If all else does fail though meet at the burger van at 12 and 3 innit

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking

Yo Jutt m8, get in contact dude and we'll sort summink out, Good idea for a meetup

Bo selecta, check out too

I dont thnk im gonna be able to make it m8.

I might be at this though

In all serisouness though I cant afford to rave lately ive had amonth off which is frankly far too long but ya do need the funds which I havnt got at the moment man.


Its killing me though esp when I miss hardcore heavens when I missed the last at the fridge I was gutted

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always love the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking


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mcjutt has attended 5 events
Posted - 2003/10/01 :  10:46:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Whats that?

BUMP u say?

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always love the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking


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Posted - 2003/10/03 :  10:21:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit radiokate's homepage  Reply with quote
hey everyone.... make sure ya'll have a wicked time tomorrow night now wont you... thing is its kinda lucky I didnt organise to go or buy tickets or anything cos things seem to have taken a little turn for the worst... thought id jus let yall know so i get some loving sympathy....

well yesterday i dno like i jus cudnt breathe or nothing like, went the docs and they thought i was havin an asthma attack (i dont actually have asthma thou) they done loadsa checks etc and cudnt find anything wrong cus my chest as in my lungs, bronchi etc are fine so they sent me up to casualty... and i didnt even have to wait!!! (AMMMMAZING!) lucky really cos the casualty department in Llanelli hospital is only open 8AM - 8PM now lmao sick init.... but yer i had heart checks (heart attack indeeedddd!!) and chest exrays and this dirty old perv of a doctor felt me boobs n stuff (SICK i tells you!) but OMG u shud have seen my chest xray of my lungs n that i have mega cool lungs they aint at all like dem ones they show u in school that smokers have (LMAO)
but yer they eventually think its OSTEO summat or other... means theres summat wrong wif the cartilage n bones in me ribs n sternum.... sick as **** i cant breathe when i lye down and cant walk for far wifout havin convultions ha ha... and sickest of all i cant laugh aloud! its well painful too... so no matter what happens now i aint gonna the awards :-( i hate it! orrrrrible stoooopid body. ah well, yous lot have a wicked time now wont you... and lemmie know who wins ok (if storm n hixxy get best mc n dj i demand u attack the stage ok!!!) whizzkid to win EVERY award!!!!
much love as always, take care and bring me an inhaler wont ya xxxxxxxxx

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Spine Tingling Sensations To Leave Your Mind Numb...

Kaitei Hoe

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Posted - 2003/10/03 :  17:57:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote

couldnt afford 2 go 2 the awards until this morning when i got an extra 300quid in my wages.
but all the tickets in my area sold out. i was getting well excited as well.
have a gr8 nite every1.

radiokate ..... sounds really harsh. get well soon

My name is slinkySSential
My birth was accidental
My parents think im mental
Which i think shows potential

[email protected]

Everybody makes mistakes,some ppl learn by them,but others will only learn when they blow their hands off

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Posted - 2003/10/03 :  20:53:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit fazza's homepage  Reply with quote
aww kate!!!! thats proper harsh mate!! hope ur ok.

leon - noooooooo!! theres no one goin!! me oli ckay and gaz thats it!! :(

but its still gonna be sweeeeeeeeeet!!

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Oli G
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Posted - 2003/10/03 :  22:00:52  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage  Reply with quote
gutted kate :(

hope you get better soon

as for the rest of you munters
ill see you there :D

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Deddley is verified hardcore artist
Posted - 2003/10/04 :  05:15:15  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Deddley's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by mcjutt:
Originally posted by dj deddley:
Originally posted by mcjutt:
Blllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhddddddddy good idea man :) have to arrange something. If all else does fail though meet at the burger van at 12 and 3 innit

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking

Yo Jutt m8, get in contact dude and we'll sort summink out, Good idea for a meetup

Bo selecta, check out too

I dont thnk im gonna be able to make it m8.

I might be at this though

[img]" border=0>

In all serisouness though I cant afford to rave lately ive had amonth off which is frankly far too long but ya do need the funds which I havnt got at the moment man.


Its killing me though esp when I miss hardcore heavens when I missed the last at the fridge I was gutted

individual you know i come to rock it
ah yes cos i always love the music
so give me the mic and ill do my thing
its the mc Jutt and im gonna get you rocking

hahahaha, Garage hahahha, now we know ya secret, oh well it's the big day today, but I still ain't got me ticket, talk about leave it till the last minute, well i'll be at the meetups hopefully if i can remember what the time is when i'm in there. See ya there

Bo selecta, check out too

****************************************************** for all your vinyl needs

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Posted - 2003/10/04 :  06:07:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
FAZZA m8 ::::::: im truly f***ing gutted that i cant go. was gonna travel up by train but its gonna cost 40quid return (sod that!).

getting my ticket for SV Nov 1st 2day tho so its not all bad.

anyways,again.have a wikid nite and a big stomp 4 me

My name is slinkySSential
My birth was accidental
My parents think im mental
Which i think shows potential

[email protected]

Everybody makes mistakes,some ppl learn by them,but others will only learn when they blow their hands off

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Posted - 2003/10/04 :  07:23:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit radiokate's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by slinkySSential:
was gonna travel up by train but its gonna cost 40quid return

same here thats what i was plannin to do (well - intended to tell em i was 15 and get it for 20 squids.) but now i aint even goin out in swansea!! i turned out to be allergiced to the anti inflammitory tablets they gave me too (so is my bro but he didnt think to let me know till i was havin full on intestinal cramps and rash all over me arms) but yer so i cant even take em cos theyr jus makin me worse so it looks like its just paracetamol and bed for kate tonight (and today for that matter) how blimmin loverly.

lol enuff of me and my depression - make it helluva night no matter how few of u there are and lemmie know when whizzkid wins ok! (lol i know im graspin on ere but well i gta prove my biggest fan-ness some how aint i!) lolol take care all yous xxxx

Spine Tingling Sensations To Leave Your Mind Numb...


Spine Tingling Sensations To Leave Your Mind Numb...

Kaitei Hoe

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Oli G
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Posted - 2003/10/05 :  11:11:22  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Oli G's homepage  Reply with quote
was wicked
i actualy feel like im going to die now tho
as in

****in hangover from satan him self

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\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_

Hardcore Underground 4 - Released October 19th

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Posted - 2003/10/05 :  13:54:36  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit radiokate's homepage  Reply with quote
ill join ya in yer death bed if u want... im gna die too loadsa pain :-(

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Spine Tingling Sensations To Leave Your Mind Numb...

Kaitei Hoe

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Posted - 2003/10/05 :  15:29:59  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Chojin's homepage  Reply with quote
was a wicked night, especially brisks set, ruled. i got my review of the night up on choons.


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