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Auscore just got diagnosed with cancer :(

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Syntax Error
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Posted - 2022/10/18 :  06:42:36  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Syntax Error's homepage  Reply with quote
Very sad news indeed, such a young age. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

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Posted - 2022/10/18 :  13:48:08  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Samination's homepage  Reply with quote
This is 5 year old news...

Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber

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Posted - 2022/10/18 :  16:54:08  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Yoko's homepage  Reply with quote
And ... can't we still wish him the best?

Was there an update?

After 8 years, I finally made "Average Member"

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Edited by - Yoko on 2022/10/18 16:55:10
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Posted - 2022/10/19 :  07:57:36  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Archefluxx's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Yoko:
And ... can't we still wish him the best?

Was there an update?

Sadly Sam passed away at the end of 2020 and is remembered with love from family, friends and fans

Spotify: SC: YT:

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Posted - 2023/04/30 :  08:27:45  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Loubrie's homepage  Reply with quote
Hi guys and girls, hope you're all doing really well.

I'm just letting you know that Sam (AKA Auscore, Solid Sine, Euval Spirits) - whose real name is Samuel Farnworth (AKA Sam Barker, Sam Potts, Sam Farnworth) originally from Bolton, Manchester England, was my very best friend, my partner - and along with some of my family, Sam helped to be my caregiver also for a couple of years too.

Relationships are the same for everybody, they're not always easy and straight forward, but Sam and myself loved each other and stuck by each other through thick and thin for 11 years, and myself and my family and friends tried to help, guide and support Sam as much as we possibly could. We were soulmates and kindred spirits from the moment we met here in Australia. I was a lot older than Sam - but in a lot of ways, Sam was much wiser for his years. Again, like us all, he had his fair share of struggles in his life, but he always did the very best he could. We didn't ALWAYS live together, but we talked to each other every single day and we saw each other almost every single day too. But we lived together for most of that 11 years.

As you all know, Sam was extremely talented. Not only was he a talented music producer and DJ, he was also absolutely fantastic with most kinds of technology - and he used to help myself, my family, friends and anybody he came into contact with (that needed help) with fixing, upgrading or modding their PC's, laptops, phones, Nintendos, vapes, monitors/speakers etc. You name it, Sam could not only do it - but he was always extremely happy to help. Sam was an amazing person - AND cook - and even though he didn't have a university degree, he was an awesome nurse/carer ;) As he got older - like a fine wine, Sam got better and better with time. Oh wow, I really could go on and on about all of the things that Sam was amazing at - because honestly, he was so good at SO many things...

He was the life of the party, he was witty and funny and he used to amuse, entertain and make us all laugh constantly. He had a thirst for knowledge and he TAUGHT all of us so much constantly, too! We'd have games and music nights together and Sam loved all different kinds and genres of music <3 When it came to music, he was heavily influenced by his parents - and also living in the UK of course, he was surrounded by a plethora of awesome stuff all the time. And you might not know this, but one of Sam's favourite bands was U2 (lol). And we were really fortunate, we both got to see U2 together (in 2019 I think it was?) live over here FINALLY, for their Joshua Tree concert. We did so many things together over those 11 years, we really did. We were together almost 24/7.

We also saw Hans Zimmer (Sam told me/taught me about how awesome Hans is), as well as another fantastic band called Nothing But Thieves (who Sam introduced me to as well) - just to name a few. Sam's interests and knowledge base was extremely eclectic. He was such a well rounded person. He introduced me to things that I wouldn't normally watch or get into. Things like Bear Grylls', UFC, Sopranos, Game of Thrones etc....and with my dad too, we used to watch the soccer together. Sam was like a son to my folks, like a brother to my brother John AND my sister Rita, and like an uncle to my niece Sienna too <3 I'm from Italian parents, so my dad LOVED the soccer - and of course Sam being English, he loved it too. So Sam and myself used to always watch his favourite soccer team play = Tottenham Hotspur. Even though I'd watched the soccer with my dad growing up as a little girl, I'd never really heard about players like Ronaldo or Messi, and so Sam of course told me all about them and would play me youtube clips etc showing me just how good they were/are. There was NEVER a dull moment if you were with or around Auscore//Sam. He really was an exceptional person folks.

So I'd better not go on for too much longer. I just would like to also say that whatever you may hear through the grapevine, PLEASE take ALL of it with a pinch of salt. Do not believe the rumours folks, and believe me, there are a lot of rumours going around - even people posting stuff that has been completely UNTRUE on facebook. If you're querying something - come to me and ask ME about it, I will always tell you the truth and the facts - I don't believe in and I don't deal in lies. There are a lot of people out there that think they know/knew Sam really well though (for whatever reason/s), but I can tell you right now, Sam really changed over the years - and he also distanced himself from a lot of the people in his 'past life' - and so yes, that includes the music scene and people that he met in that scene too. He didn't see his family very much either. There were a lot of triggers and temptations for Sam in the music scene - and elsewhere too (ie pubs, people's houses/parties etc where people were drinking or getting involved in other things), that's why as he got older he decided that he basically wanted to try to live a cleaner and healthier life/style, so he moved away from it all (mostly, most of the time). Sam definitely was not the same person at age 30 - as he was when he was starting out producing/DJ'ing/in the music scene up until about the age of 25. When he was younger, yes, he used to party a lot and he would do 'what young people do'. As he got older though, he got better - and he wanted to DO better - not only for himself, but for the other people around him too (including for myself). As Sam grew older and wiser, he realised the fulfillment that comes with not being so self-focused or selfish, but in giving and doing for others. He really was an amazing human being.

So finally, Sam didn't have cancer (he was struggling a bit at that time so he went to the hospital and at the hospital he THOUGHT for some reason that they had mentioned pancreatic cancer to him...I remember him having this conversation with me when he was there, and I still have that conversation with him on my phone - that was years ago now) and he didn't die in 2020 either.

Unfortunately, Sam passed away at the very end of 2021. Sam was born on the 16th October 1991 in England and he passed away (sadly) on the afternoon/evening of Sunday 19th December 2021 - the week of Christmas, in Australia. He did not pass away on the 20th - as some people may think. Sam didn't actually make it to bed/sleep that night - he passed away earlier on in the evening on the 19th. It is seriously the saddest thing myself and my family have ever been through in my life and Sam certainly did not deserve to die at such a young age (30). When I told my 85 year old father in the nursing home, that Sam had passed, my dad literally cried like a baby. I had NEVER, ever seen my dad cry like that before - ever! My father sadly passed away too 6 months after Sam (precipitated by Covid), so they're both together now.

Our relationship went through some really difficult times over those 11 years - and as I say, just like a lot of relationships do (nobody agrees with each other all the time and we all have fights and disagreements and we say things to each other that we regret (especially if and when we are pushed!), but we apologise and move on - hopefully - which really is what EVERYbody should do. Sam even said to myself and my mum: "never leave anything on a bad note, never go to bed angry with one another" (that didn't always happen lol, but very wise words none-the-less), and even though we would sometimes become very angry/frustrated with life or ourselves or with other people - or with each other, when we saw one another or spoke to each other again later on, we would eventually apologise, forgive - and as I say, move on and continue to live and love one another.

And so I can say this with my WHOLE being (even though there were SO many challenges in our life and our relationship together), I LOVED Sam from the moment we met - and I will love Sam for the rest of my life here on earth - AND when I cross over to the other side to be with him eventually too. I will love Sam - always and forever. He affected and impacted my life like no other person ever has, and he loved me (and I loved him) like no other man ever has. We never gave up on one another, no matter how hard things got. I just wish that everybody got to experience that kind of love in their lifetime. We need to be good to each other folks - because life can be VERY short, you never know what might happen to a person.

Take good care of yourselves (and each other) and thank you for listening/reading. And please know that Sam appreciated ALL of his fans etc around the world, and he would be absolutely CHUFFED to know that you're all still listening to his music. Giving his love to people through (his) music etc - and DJ'in too, is something that really fulfilled Sam and he would LOVE to see and know that you're still feeling his love - through his music.

Much love from me also,
Louise xo

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Edited by - Loubrie on 2023/04/30 08:29:49
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Posted - 2023/05/14 :  02:21:47  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Skidzorz's homepage  Reply with quote
Sending all my love your way. I don?t even remember the initial announcement but there?s a post of mine from 6 years back so clearly I did. I know there?s nothing I can say to relieve the pain of losing your best friend and partner but you and him will be in my prayers tonight (not religious but I?ve taken to praying in recovery). His music made me smile frequently and I will be playing Bridge Zone and the rest of the stuff I can find on YouTube while in here in rehab tonight. Take care and stay safe <3

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Sc@r is verified hardcore artist Sc@r has attended 37 events
Posted - 2023/05/15 :  14:30:16  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Sc@r's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Loubrie:
Hi guys and girls, hope you're all doing really well.

I'm just letting you know that Sam (AKA Auscore, Solid Sine, Euval Spirits) - whose real name is Samuel Farnworth (AKA Sam Barker, Sam Potts, Sam Farnworth) originally from Bolton, Manchester England, was my very best friend, my partner - and along with some of my family, Sam helped to be my caregiver also for a couple of years too.

Relationships are the same for everybody, they're not always easy and straight forward, but Sam and myself loved each other and stuck by each other through thick and thin for 11 years, and myself and my family and friends tried to help, guide and support Sam as much as we possibly could. We were soulmates and kindred spirits from the moment we met here in Australia. I was a lot older than Sam - but in a lot of ways, Sam was much wiser for his years. Again, like us all, he had his fair share of struggles in his life, but he always did the very best he could. We didn't ALWAYS live together, but we talked to each other every single day and we saw each other almost every single day too. But we lived together for most of that 11 years.

As you all know, Sam was extremely talented. Not only was he a talented music producer and DJ, he was also absolutely fantastic with most kinds of technology - and he used to help myself, my family, friends and anybody he came into contact with (that needed help) with fixing, upgrading or modding their PC's, laptops, phones, Nintendos, vapes, monitors/speakers etc. You name it, Sam could not only do it - but he was always extremely happy to help. Sam was an amazing person - AND cook - and even though he didn't have a university degree, he was an awesome nurse/carer ;) As he got older - like a fine wine, Sam got better and better with time. Oh wow, I really could go on and on about all of the things that Sam was amazing at - because honestly, he was so good at SO many things...

He was the life of the party, he was witty and funny and he used to amuse, entertain and make us all laugh constantly. He had a thirst for knowledge and he TAUGHT all of us so much constantly, too! We'd have games and music nights together and Sam loved all different kinds and genres of music <3 When it came to music, he was heavily influenced by his parents - and also living in the UK of course, he was surrounded by a plethora of awesome stuff all the time. And you might not know this, but one of Sam's favourite bands was U2 (lol). And we were really fortunate, we both got to see U2 together (in 2019 I think it was?) live over here FINALLY, for their Joshua Tree concert. We did so many things together over those 11 years, we really did. We were together almost 24/7.

We also saw Hans Zimmer (Sam told me/taught me about how awesome Hans is), as well as another fantastic band called Nothing But Thieves (who Sam introduced me to as well) - just to name a few. Sam's interests and knowledge base was extremely eclectic. He was such a well rounded person. He introduced me to things that I wouldn't normally watch or get into. Things like Bear Grylls', UFC, Sopranos, Game of Thrones etc....and with my dad too, we used to watch the soccer together. Sam was like a son to my folks, like a brother to my brother John AND my sister Rita, and like an uncle to my niece Sienna too <3 I'm from Italian parents, so my dad LOVED the soccer - and of course Sam being English, he loved it too. So Sam and myself used to always watch his favourite soccer team play = Tottenham Hotspur. Even though I'd watched the soccer with my dad growing up as a little girl, I'd never really heard about players like Ronaldo or Messi, and so Sam of course told me all about them and would play me youtube clips etc showing me just how good they were/are. There was NEVER a dull moment if you were with or around Auscore//Sam. He really was an exceptional person folks.

So I'd better not go on for too much longer. I just would like to also say that whatever you may hear through the grapevine, PLEASE take ALL of it with a pinch of salt. Do not believe the rumours folks, and believe me, there are a lot of rumours going around - even people posting stuff that has been completely UNTRUE on facebook. If you're querying something - come to me and ask ME about it, I will always tell you the truth and the facts - I don't believe in and I don't deal in lies. There are a lot of people out there that think they know/knew Sam really well though (for whatever reason/s), but I can tell you right now, Sam really changed over the years - and he also distanced himself from a lot of the people in his 'past life' - and so yes, that includes the music scene and people that he met in that scene too. He didn't see his family very much either. There were a lot of triggers and temptations for Sam in the music scene - and elsewhere too (ie pubs, people's houses/parties etc where people were drinking or getting involved in other things), that's why as he got older he decided that he basically wanted to try to live a cleaner and healthier life/style, so he moved away from it all (mostly, most of the time). Sam definitely was not the same person at age 30 - as he was when he was starting out producing/DJ'ing/in the music scene up until about the age of 25. When he was younger, yes, he used to party a lot and he would do 'what young people do'. As he got older though, he got better - and he wanted to DO better - not only for himself, but for the other people around him too (including for myself). As Sam grew older and wiser, he realised the fulfillment that comes with not being so self-focused or selfish, but in giving and doing for others. He really was an amazing human being.

So finally, Sam didn't have cancer (he was struggling a bit at that time so he went to the hospital and at the hospital he THOUGHT for some reason that they had mentioned pancreatic cancer to him...I remember him having this conversation with me when he was there, and I still have that conversation with him on my phone - that was years ago now) and he didn't die in 2020 either.

Unfortunately, Sam passed away at the very end of 2021. Sam was born on the 16th October 1991 in England and he passed away (sadly) on the afternoon/evening of Sunday 19th December 2021 - the week of Christmas, in Australia. He did not pass away on the 20th - as some people may think. Sam didn't actually make it to bed/sleep that night - he passed away earlier on in the evening on the 19th. It is seriously the saddest thing myself and my family have ever been through in my life and Sam certainly did not deserve to die at such a young age (30). When I told my 85 year old father in the nursing home, that Sam had passed, my dad literally cried like a baby. I had NEVER, ever seen my dad cry like that before - ever! My father sadly passed away too 6 months after Sam (precipitated by Covid), so they're both together now.

Our relationship went through some really difficult times over those 11 years - and as I say, just like a lot of relationships do (nobody agrees with each other all the time and we all have fights and disagreements and we say things to each other that we regret (especially if and when we are pushed!), but we apologise and move on - hopefully - which really is what EVERYbody should do. Sam even said to myself and my mum: "never leave anything on a bad note, never go to bed angry with one another" (that didn't always happen lol, but very wise words none-the-less), and even though we would sometimes become very angry/frustrated with life or ourselves or with other people - or with each other, when we saw one another or spoke to each other again later on, we would eventually apologise, forgive - and as I say, move on and continue to live and love one another.

And so I can say this with my WHOLE being (even though there were SO many challenges in our life and our relationship together), I LOVED Sam from the moment we met - and I will love Sam for the rest of my life here on earth - AND when I cross over to the other side to be with him eventually too. I will love Sam - always and forever. He affected and impacted my life like no other person ever has, and he loved me (and I loved him) like no other man ever has. We never gave up on one another, no matter how hard things got. I just wish that everybody got to experience that kind of love in their lifetime. We need to be good to each other folks - because life can be VERY short, you never know what might happen to a person.

Take good care of yourselves (and each other) and thank you for listening/reading. And please know that Sam appreciated ALL of his fans etc around the world, and he would be absolutely CHUFFED to know that you're all still listening to his music. Giving his love to people through (his) music etc - and DJ'in too, is something that really fulfilled Sam and he would LOVE to see and know that you're still feeling his love - through his music.

Much love from me also,
Louise xo

massive love Lou, you have been absolutely amazing and through all the ups and downs, sam is always there with you. his perky fun personality and music will never be forgotten and continues to live on in our scene around the globe. Sam managed to reach so many peoples hearts with his music, more then he possibly knew.

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Posted - 2023/05/17 :  21:30:45  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Archefluxx's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Archefluxx:
Originally posted by Yoko:
And ... can't we still wish him the best?

Was there an update?

Sadly Sam passed away at the end of 2020 and is remembered with love from family, friends and fans

Massive apologies for getting my year wrong on this. No disrespect intended - I was a massive fan of Sam ever since those incredible Scott Brown bootlegs appeared on this very forum. Sad to have never met him, but sounded like a stand-up guy. Sending you my best wishes

Spotify: SC: YT:

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Posted - 2023/06/04 :  01:24:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Warnman's homepage  Reply with quote
The rave scene lost another one of its magnificent producers - it's such a pity!
I deeply wish I could be able to say some more words in depth, but I am unable to do so.
Rave in Peace!

Ravers unite!

"Happy Hardcore: Love it... hate it... it's fun!" (Matt Stokes)

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Posted - 2023/08/03 :  09:19:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit SlapNTickleMc's homepage  Reply with quote
Not a day goes by that my lil bruva from another mother isn't in my thoughts.
Whenever we performed together it was like nothing else, I've been fortunate enough over the years to perform with so many DJs from around the world from Australia and particularly more regularly from Perth, any no other way to describe how it is, we just clicked. Never rehearsed but we always knew what the other one was about to do constantly pushing each other then always having a laugh with it.

I'm still devastated and only now just starting to even touch my computer and equipment. I've done maybe two sets since then one of which was a tribute set that Oki Doki and I were proud to do for my brother so down below is the link Rave On Perth &our warehouse rave tribute to the brown hair Jesus, The other half DarK FormaT the Lord Auscore as he is now Auscarbon + after this is a copy of the eulogy from his funeral for the most part is a bits couple of bits that were added including where I got the word c*** in a funeral and managed to get a prison rape joke in as well which I know he would have loved.

Response to what Lou stated above yeah there is a lot of s*** flying around but as of 6 months ago WAPOL's file is actually still open because someone can own reason, it just adds to the pain not having that closure even though it seems pretty obvious what happened but we'll leave it there for now.

I'm off to go have a Fruit Alexia and vodka for Auscarbon

Cheers ya sick ****s
Slap n' Tickle

Oki Doki ft Slap N Tickle (Auscore Will Never Die Tribute Set) Rave On Block Party 11th June 2022

Oki Doki mysteriously reappears from the shadows for just one night to team up with Slap N Tickle MC once again to put on a show for Rave On Presents: The Block Party on June 11th 2022 in tribute to the great wonder boy Sam Auscore who has departed this Earth to join the great rave in the skies.

Sam's eulogy

Good afternoon,

For those of you who we are meeting for the first time, This is Hannah Julio and I'm Robin and although it's not the greatest of circumstances to meet you it's still a pleasure to join you today to celebrate the life of and an honour to stand here to share with you the tributes, memories, etc of Sam's his chosen musical family, along with our own family friendly ramblings about my lil bruva from annuva English muvva Sam Auscore-Euval Spirits- Solid Sine- Pilthurist *take a breath shit not supposed to read that bit Potts-Barker-Farnsworth init

Now to start because we all know that Sam was such a fan of boundaries, we are all going to break the non religious rule and if you would all join me for J-Skitz's idea for a tribute that he and I spent the Auscore standard 45 minutes writing.

So ladies and gentlemen all together we give you...

The Auslords prayer

Our auscore,
thou art in heaven ,
powerstomp lord,
be thy name,
Thy kick drum come ,
thy reverse bass humm ,
in nightclubs and
warehouse heavens.
Give us this day,
our daily beats and
Forgive us our midpasses
as we side chain those that midpass against us
and lead us not to an opera,
for hardcore is the kingdom ,
the power and the glory .
Forever and ever ..

"I jumped off Rob's roof, not impressed with the results"
This text was sent to a few of you guys just after Sam drunkenly disappeared then tried to scare myself and Ben one night busting both his ankles in the process. The dryly humourous yet overly critical analysis of his own performance pretty much sums up Sam And that's how he used to deal with the misadventures of the rest of us, I remember his response to me breaking my ankle at the PDMA's while doing something stupid to make someone else laugh like it was yesterday. " Well that's a half assed effort if you're going to continue to do that, we'll have to change your name to MC Slippin Cripple init " of course followed by that bloody finger click of his.
*Kim Ingram who is one of us to get that message from Sam and reminded me of it right at the start of our conversation when hearing of his passing wrote this
"Quite a few of my best memories from the Hard Style days were with this fellow and Robin Tyson . From arguing that Fruity loops was superior to Ableton and the harrassment he gave me to play at my Birthday party in 2013. Don't even get me started with gilkisen's events. To one of my favorites music creators and a partner in shenanigans. Rest In Paradise Sam Love you brother"

Sam was ahead of his time but always late, so intelligent, a musical genius but dumb as a post when it comes to common sense, would do anything within his powers for the those he cared about but had a blatant disregard for his own well being.
Whether he was pumping out tunes like a vehicle production line, rocking a crowd at a club, rave, party etc, chomping on a creepy crawly snack pack at the Hamlee Circus, having an in depth discussions about just about any subject or chasing a mouse around kitchen with a **** off big knife, softly it telling it "it's ok lil buddy I'm not gonna hurt ya, I just wanna talk.... DIE!! " when the unsuspecting rodent sticks his head out from under the cupboard.
You never failed to make all of us cheer with euphoria, think with serious self reflection or laugh to point of dizziness.

He once made me do an entire set with the Alf Stewart voice doing rhymes about torturing infants while he proceeded to play the cheesiest chipmunk voiced happy hardcore you've ever heard and his first set after his Govt paid holiday I can now tell you he demanded that every verse had to end in a prison joke. I thought you 2 (Liam & Sheean) were gonna bloody kill me by the end but oh bruv that was the funniest thing I've ever done

He used to talk about the whole artistic genii dying ahead of their time at 27 conspiracy theory and true to being ahead of your time I'm still baffled as to how you survived in 2013 when you manage to clock up a counted back blood alcohol level of .748 at Charlie Gardner's emergency dept and look at ya now bruv.
3years late to ya own funeral.

Sorry but above all else Sam's n my ability to use humour to cope with tragedy was a shining beacon in my darkest hours along with his own tribulations.

Everyone knows the fables of Auscore (*adlibed to AUSCARBONo on the day) but I would like to recount a memory of Sam the caring person with a brutally dry sense of humour that knew the perfect thing to say in a time of crisis.

In Jan 2018 I was dying, not wah I'm sick, cd4 count in the 40s Freddy mercury Peter Allen proper dying, he happened to call to check on me and as it would be, I was in an isolational room in Fiona Stanley Hospital getting fed enough adrenaline to try to stop my organs shutting down while administering a heap of other meds to stave off the t.b. and other shit trying to kill me so I put him on speaker.... amid the barrage of aids n pedo jokes he was throwing at me he overheard me joking with E.D. staff that had come into my room to discuss the probability of me having my feet amputated, that we should just cross my legs to let the leprosy on 1 leg and different opportunistic infection on my other leg fight it out, however wins gets to stay.
He told me if I let either of them win he'd "come down there, cut them out with a Stanley blade and rub salt into the wound just to rub salt into the wound init".

I think I laughed for a good hour after that and while I was compulsively laughing the meds miraculously started to work and somehow I've still not lost to the AIDS.

He has since drunkenky told me he wasn't sure what to do so he figured he'd make me laugh n threaten the bacteria into backing down.... I will forever be eternally grateful you did my bruv Thank you.

I would like to close out my ramblings with this final tribute from the uk

?Sam was a very talented artist who had heaps of potential. I noticed that very early on in his musical career and quickly reached out to have him work with my UK label ?Lethal Theory?.

We made big plans for him to spearhead the label down under. Unfortunately it didn?t work out but he was such a nice kid that I really wanted to see succeed with or without my help.

It always saddened me that he didn?t reach the peaks he could have if he had been able to stick with it and conquer the perils that life threw his way.

My heart breaks to hear the news of his passing and I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to his family & friends at this most difficult time.

We will all mourn his passing but his legacy will live on in his music.

RIP Sam.

Long Live Auscore!"

Joey Riot

C'mon say it with me


Thank You

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