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djtommyrenegade has attended 8 events
Posted - 2003/03/12 :  02:28:13  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
hmmmmmmm i wonder who it is, lol
well she knows who she is, :P

DJ Tommy Renegade


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Xtc bitch 03
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Posted - 2003/03/12 :  02:38:45  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
ive heard it could be out of 3 people!

X=Tc bitch

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others don't...

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Posted - 2003/03/12 :  02:52:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
and which 3 wud that be

DJ Tommy Renegade


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Stevie c
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Posted - 2003/03/12 :  04:15:06  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Stevie c's homepage  Reply with quote
I am up for it send us details!! Unless I am too old!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion

me white gloves and neon sticks leave an endless trail

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fazza has donated money to the site fazza has attended 9 events
Posted - 2003/03/12 :  04:40:08  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit fazza's homepage  Reply with quote
shut up stevie, youre not even 30 yet! dont get old b4 your time u big wuss! your only as old as you feel! come to the meet up, should b wicked

"I feel you, i want you, i know your touch is all i need, im waiting you're shining"

all your base are belong to us.

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Posted - 2003/03/13 :  04:26:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
yeah and when we met up it was only by accident coz i told you all what i'd be wearing. strych spotted me in the bathroom hahaha.

but yeah the trick to the meet-up (imo) is picking a night which most people will go to. i thought to arrange it for a party where we had the most internationals (ie uk djs) that we've had in a while, therefore alot of people would go. while meet-ups are a good concept, they come together on the night. it's better to tell everyone what you'll be wearing, or everyone wear an armband or something, that way you don't have to worry about meeting up but you can find people if you want to, and spot them and meet them throughout the party. kinda like a giant game of 'where's wally?'

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer

If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?

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Posted - 2003/03/13 :  04:33:38  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by pacman:
yeah and when we met up it was only by accident coz i told you all what i'd be wearing. strych spotted me in the bathroom hahaha.

I think toxic spotted you there. Manic actually spotted me outside while I was trying to call him on my mobile

it's better to tell everyone what you'll be wearing, or everyone wear an armband or something, that way you don't have to worry about meeting up but you can find people if you want to, and spot them and meet them throughout the party. kinda like a giant game of 'where's wally?

If you go back through the Hyperspeed thread you'll find I actually suggested this and no-one listened. Then again, no-one paid much attention to me in those days.

It had to be done.

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Dave Murray
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Posted - 2003/03/13 :  05:36:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
fair nuff, bout not being old enough, but say if we did go and got refused that would just take the piss no?

(/Dance Mothe®Fu©ke® On 2Tu®ntables/)

<3 Trance

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Xtc bitch 03
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Posted - 2003/03/14 :  01:27:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
blag it if u cant get in!

i think armbands thingys are a better idea then we aint all gota meet!

X=Tc bitch

some love'it...

others don't...

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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  00:02:02  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
He means arm bands as well as meet. For example well say we meet at 1 infront of the burger van but all going from here wear like a bright orange arm band. So if a few people dont show at the van or whatever and we see someone with an arm band then we know where there from...

-I love my decks, just looking at them at night before I go to bed and getting up in the morning with my hair in a mess just stood there in my boxers mixing thinking im the bomb-

-I love my decks, just looking at them at night before I go to bed and getting up in the morning with my hair in a mess just stood there in my boxers mixing thinking im the bomb-

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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  05:16:22  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Come throw the party in Brussels
We have no drinking age or club/party age. Anyone can come! and much less legal crap than in the UK. What you say?

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DJ Pathfinder
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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  05:51:45  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Pathfinder's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by junglist_angel:
Come throw the party in Brussels
We have no drinking age or club/party age. Anyone can come! and much less legal crap than in the UK. What you say?

good idea rock werchter :)

You can't see me,because i am the future.

You can't see me,because i am the future.

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Weird Fish
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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  17:21:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Weird Fish's homepage  Reply with quote
Yep, kind of liking that last idea more...and if it'd be done, can it be in july-august, cause then I'll be vacationing in the Netherlands and it be more possible for me to go then

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!

.. .born free::...

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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  19:45:32  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit weba_d's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by strychnine:

If you go back through the Hyperspeed thread you'll find I actually suggested this and no-one listened. Then again, no-one paid much attention to me in those days.


Yeah and remeber none of it would have happen withour ME suggesting the mobile/sms idea.

Remember (if you can) when i met you and tox at the water stall?, you said, "I was expecting a little purple fella!"

Same street, Different house.

Same street, Different house.

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Posted - 2003/03/17 :  20:34:03  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Originally posted by R@viNg LoOnAtic:
Yep, kind of liking that last idea more...and if it'd be done, can it be in july-august, cause then I'll be vacationing in the Netherlands and it be more possible for me to go then

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!

*urgh* for the geographically uneducated... Brussels is in Belgium... Belgium is a country aside from the Netherlands. Why is it that so many people don't know this? We're the capital of Europe!

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