Junior Member

 United States
115 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
21 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/02/23 : 13:20:36
A friend wrote this:
"ok, well, it's 8 am, and i just got home from Santa Monica. I'll get to that in a second. First i would like to start out by telling you guys what happened at the orion last night, and why it was shut down at around 4. three people od'd last night, and i was there to actually witness one of them!!
I was upstairs, dancing, when out of the corner of my eye i see a girl being grabbed and sat on the couch, and a guy is on top of her. I immediatly think--date rape. so i go over and see what's going on. well, to my surprise, very big surprise, i find her with the face of death! her eyes were totally rolled back into her skull, and her mouth was gaped wide open. i swear, she looked likea corpse. it really freaked me out. i told the guy: wtf happened? she od'd? he's like: no, she does this all the time. i couldn't belive a freaking word he was saying, and i said to him to go get some help. he left for like 2 min., and then came back with no help. he said she was getting better because she was opening and closing her mouth. i wasn't buying his ********, and i was really getting concerned for this dumb girl who decided to take both k and e. that's what the guy said she took. I was about to go get someone when a security guard passes our way. i look at him straight in the eye, and with my eyes i point him to the girl. he sees what's happening, and starts to freak, just like i did when i first saw her. as soon as he shines the light on the girl, she starts to seize on us, foam starts coming out of her mouth. i swear, that will never be erased from my mind. she starts to seize even stronger, and starts to clench her fists real violently. she seizes so hard she falls down onto the floor. that's when a grip of security start to carry her off. unfortunately the ****ing dude left the premises, and i don't think they ever found him. my guess is he was her bf, although he denied it when i asked him if he was, and he tried to get her real high, but it went wrong real quick. i have no idea what happened to the girl. that was one of three od's that night, and i heard that one girl died. maybe it was her, i'm not sure. she looked like death was taking her for a ride though, i swear. i really freaked when i saw her. anyway, that's what happened at the orion last night, and why it was shut down."
The massive scene really sucks.
I think I'm sticking to strictly undergrounds from now on.
Dj MoNkEyBoY
Founder of Monkeyshine Inc.
Keep it Real!
Keep it Happy!
Keep it Hardcore!
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Edited by - virus on 2003/02/23 20:04:34 |