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Slammin @ the Que club WOT A NIGHT

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Starting Member

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Posted - 2003/02/17 :  09:44:27  Show profile Send a private message
Just had to say that slammin once again put on a great night at the que club
had a great night got some good photos (i got a my photo taken with odyssey and some good shots of SY & Storm)

Woz n e 1 else there
if so write n say how your night woz

When i die im goin to hardcore heaven

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Posted - 2003/02/17 :  10:52:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit tommo's homepage
I wasn't there but I've heard tapes from previous SV events at the que club
top kwality stuff.I always think the sound system sounds better from
bagleys and the que club than at the sanctuary,its probably because the
sanctuary is a larger venue.I dunno.
I'll probably buy the tapes when they're released.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.

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Posted - 2003/02/17 :  12:35:16  Show profile  Send a private message
i always found at sanctuaryt/fasttrack wen u at the back u hear music playing in two different times, the bass an kick drum at the back is slightly behind the treble and mid at the front, cuz of the size...

more reason t stay at the front tho!

"don't worry about it, if i were you i wouldn't remember me either"

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Posted - 2003/02/18 :  01:11:50  Show profile  Send a private message
i woz at both slammin's at the que club last year and all the ones at the sanctuary and i have the best time when i've been to the que club coz its so small and enclosed the atmosphere is just great u can heer the walls vibrating
and u get well close to the dj's and mc's

a bit of a disaster i sliped of the podium and fu*ked my leg up
but hay life go's on

when i die im goin to hardcore heaven

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Posted - 2003/02/18 :  09:31:49  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit tommo's homepage
I'm glad someone thinks that also,there is quite a noticable difference in sound.

Im just a bassline addict
Im just a hardcore addict
Im just a dancefloor manic
Why o why cant you just accept it.

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Posted - 2003/02/18 :  11:09:28  Show profile  Send a private message
it pisses me off n fastrack, cuz it puts me dancing all out of kilter at the back, an u cant hear the vocals or anything...

"don't worry about it, if i were you i wouldn't remember me either"

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Xtra-C has attended 73 events
Posted - 2003/02/18 :  13:49:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Xtra-C's homepage
Que club is a top venue, Slammin was a wicked nite.
sy'n'storm ripped it up
i ve got pics on my site from past slammin's @ the que check my site
if you enjoyed slammin @ the que have you ever been to flashback @ the que club, now thats a rave and a half belive !!!

Jungle Techno


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