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13,194 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
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Posted - 2019/10/04 : 04:37:16
Considering Hixxy's harddrive crash (or was it only UFO's?), I highly doubt that Hixxy has anything left from before 2010. And I doubt we'll ever see anything new from this collection, other than a few tracks from the Bonkers label (not the albums)
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
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10 posts Joined: May, 2018
Posted - 2019/10/11 : 07:44:15
quote: Originally posted by Samination:
Considering Hixxy's harddrive crash (or was it only UFO's?), I highly doubt that Hixxy has anything left from before 2010. And I doubt we'll ever see anything new from this collection, other than a few tracks from the Bonkers label (not the albums)
Oh, I see... that's unfortunate if he lost everything pre2010.
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75 posts Joined: Dec, 2017
Posted - 2019/11/12 : 14:27:40
My understanding is that Kevin Energy is hopefully filling in the gaps for CDJay regarding this collection because there is going to be a Nu Energy label release at some point and there was alot of Sharkey material on not just on Nu Energy but on the sub labels (Bonkerz, Kaotik etc..).
I could be wrong though
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13,194 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
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Posted - 2019/11/13 : 13:00:35
I thought Kevin ****ed off again? The short stint he had a couple of years ago didn't seem to amount to much
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
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1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/13 : 13:15:01
I don?t think there will be anymore updates to this or any of the older bundles. From what I can tell these are never going to be finished. It looks like there have been some changes in how things are run.
They have been very quiet for a reason.
Then again I?m just speculating with the small amount of info and circumstantial evidence I have.
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Edited by - MusicILove on 2019/11/13 13:21:07 |
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10,304 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
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Posted - 2019/11/13 : 17:44:11
quote: Originally posted by MusicILove:
Then again I?m just speculating with the small amount of info and circumstantial evidence I have.
Like what?
Taking my time to perfect the beat
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1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/13 : 20:12:50
Well there is something I can't reveal but what's publicly visible I can say.
1 Vinylgroover batch 3 came with tracks with the beginnings cut off. One of those tracks is fixed and was given out on the anthologies. So if they have had the fixed track since May / June or whenever it was why not update the bundle. The Second track Rush Hour (Vinylgrover Remix) is pretty easy to fix without having to re-record the original DAT. I have personally done this with my copy.
2 On the Fade & Bananaman Anthology volume 2 Can Can you do it was on there but was not added to the Sharkey bundle or if they have they haven't said anything about it. At this point I feel even 1 track would make people happy.
3 It has been mentioned on Facebook or in the newsletter about a change in the shipping and support staff.
4 They got Hardcore Heaven 5 out quickly which signals a change in direction they have said since 2018 they weren't going to do pre orders but still continued to do them so what changed.
5 CDJay's silence. Since they got Hardcore Heaven 5 shipped quickly I would of thought he would of been on here talking about it. I would of personally thanked and congratulated him on this. I was shocked and very happy when the CD arrived.
6 Other things that I'm not 100% on so I don't want to speculate and get it wrong.
7 The lack of communication on Blu The Roof. it was finished a few months ago with a video of a disc going in to a Blu Ray player or that's what it looked like to me. So why no word in the latest news letter, And why hasn't it shipped.
8 This one is a question I have had throughout these bundles is how do they handle the finances
Let's use a theoretical situation to explain my question.
Let's say 100 people brought the Sharkey bundle when batch 1 was out HU get 50% the rest gets distributed to the labels and artists.
Now let's say they add batch 2 to the Sharkey bundle the artists & labels already got paid for the first batch so how do the second artists and labels get paid then a third batch comes out. The same question arises.
In the case of the Sharkey bundle they have it on the store now but I can't imagine it has sold that many since going on the store.
So unless they are paying royalties out of their own profits how can they pay these artists and labels for the first 100 people to get the tracks when that was delt with years ago. Also then baring in mind every new person that buys it has to pay royalties of the same amount to the artists and labels in batch 1, 2 and 3.
It also doesn't make business sense for them to be adding tracks to the bundles spending their time. Obtaining the tracks, Licensing them, Mastering them, Labelling them, Uploading them to the store. their time costs money.
I think the bundle is what it is and it will most likely never change unless Sharkey becomes really popular for some reason.
They might have some fancy way of paying the artists that means all what I have just said is irrelevant and I hope that is true as they originally promised every track and remix by and of Sharkey and they have yet to deliver.
Some tracks like the ones on CLSM's labels are obtainable from digital stores and so it's just the licensing to work out with those and they haven't done it. Perhaps CLSM won't license to them.
Either way I don't think it's viable to be putting a ton of time in to something that is only going to trickle money in. Especially when it appears the profit margin will get smaller with everything they add.
In the case of the Just Another Label bundle's where they are missing stuff to this day it makes no sense to spend time and money adding things to something that is not on sale anymore and might not ever come back.
In the case of the TNC bundles everything works out. They have everything before they put a price on it based on the amount of tracks in the bundle. Everyone knows what they are getting and the number won't change.
If you have read this far here is a little reward for you ( It's only ?7.99. I'm not trying to Diss HU. I really do feel for them in a lot of cases they have been treated unfairly but in some cases they haven't helped themselves. I feel they deserve financial compensation for all of the work they put in which is why I don't think they will be adding to these. They would only eat in to their own profits. While I would love to have the missing items I don't feel the current model would deliver. As for a solution this one might not be popular but perhaps they could add a second part to this and say for ?50 you can get the rest of the collection and they could use the money from that to obtain the extra tracks and pay the royalties for them. This would be an option for those that want it. For those that are happy with what they have got they can stick where they are. This is just an idea and not anything official I know nothing of the status of what's going on as far as these bundles go I'm just guessing. Putting 2 and 2 together and getting 247. Again I'm not dissing HU I'm trying to see things from their point of view. This might all be rubbish in which case fine ignore me. I don't want any backlash from this but I feel that people have payed for something and it hasn't been delivered. There hasn't been any updates about the bundles in months. e.g Samination and the Pleasure & pain remixes I'm sure it was said they had them and were going to upload them 1 weekend that never happened. I feel for HU and the awful position they have been left in but I also feel for the buyers who wanted certain tracks and thought this was the way to get them. Years of searching and this comes along. The answer to their prayers and then what they wanted never happens. Everybody loses in this case. That's my take on it all and the reasons I don't think the bundles will get updates. Welcome to my brain (Perhaps this is why I don't sleep much. My brain is always going, always trying to figure things out) HA HA the website preview button won't work. This is all Speculation from my brain.
Check out Music I Love's Mixes on #SoundCloud
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Edited by - MusicILove on 2019/11/13 20:18:40 |
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1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/13 : 20:20:39
Please don't hate me HU people.
Check out Music I Love's Mixes on #SoundCloud
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Edited by - MusicILove on 2019/11/13 20:20:53 |
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2,037 posts Joined: Nov, 2001
Posted - 2019/11/14 : 03:17:45
quote: Originally posted by MusicILove:
HA HA the website preview button won't work.
"Fun with a capital F-D-B!"
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Edited by - DJ_FunDaBounce on 2019/11/14 03:18:16 |
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1,600 posts Joined: Feb, 2009
Posted - 2019/11/14 : 12:48:29
I'm so glad I got a refund when I did, sounds a right mess.
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82 posts Joined: Apr, 2014
Posted - 2019/11/14 : 21:56:09
I never understand the idea behind selling digital download media in limited quantities.
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1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/15 : 14:51:48
quote: Originally posted by Rhoobarb2005:
I never understand the idea behind selling digital download media in limited quantities.
It's to try and drive sales by using the fear of missing out. If they limit things by time or quantity people who would normally say oh I'll wait till I got some spare money will be more likely to buy in to it. Or people who want 1 or 2 tracks might buy the whole thing for fear this might be their last time to get it.
It's a very bad sales tactic in my opinion but unfortunately it does work. This however can be a shame for those people who missed out on the bundle or don't know about it at the time. They then have to turn to piracy as the only way to get the music they want.
It works as a sales tactic to bring money in quickly however in the long term I suspect it hurts the artists as most of the music then gets pirated as it is no longer available to buy.
I personally prefer to buy music whenever I can but unfortunately a lot of things are no longer available. This in my opinion is the fault of the artist and the labels they could be making money by selling their tracks, putting them on download stores so they're available to everyone whenever they want, but they choose not to and so they then cannot complain about piracy because people have no other way to get this music.
A lot of artists I fear are waiting until they have financial issues or want some quick cash to start selling digital versions of their music. This is what I think is happening with Force & Styles. I also think this is happening with Hixxy and raver baby as there are a significant amount of Raver Baby tracks available in digital and so this whole thing about the hard drive crash I think is rubbish.
All of the artists who made the tracks all of the people on the promo list all of the friends that they gave copies to, all of the CDs they burned to play out with. They can't say that because one hard drive Died the tracks will no longer exist. I'm perfectly fine with an MP3 copy if that's all we can get that is really better than a terrible vinyl rip.
Then again if Hixxy and force and styles sold all their old music to people they couldn't make money playing classic sets as they could hire a smaller name DJ's with the same tracks to do the same sets or perhaps even better. Most top DJs can barely mix and it really gets to me. There are some very talented DJs out there that deserve recognition but don't get it because promoters would rather have Hixxy or Dougal or Breeze on their flyer.
For those who would say Darren Styles doesn't need the money. I say he will do when the EDM/Hardstyle scene throws him to the curb he will then need something to do and come crawling back to hardcore to play classic sets for the rest of his life.
Have you seen his Audi his nice fast Audi it needs fuel. 
Check out Music I Love's Mixes on #SoundCloud
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Edited by - MusicILove on 2019/11/15 15:15:08 |
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13,194 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2019/11/15 : 16:19:40
Did you just spoil who made that track? :P
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
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1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/15 : 16:24:14
quote: Originally posted by Samination:
Did you just spoil who made that track? :P
No. I don?t know who made it. Sparkz publicly put the parts up in a different thread. He said he got sent them over MSN.
No spoilers here
Check out Music I Love's Mixes on #SoundCloud
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10,304 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
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Posted - 2019/11/15 : 17:29:16
quote: Originally posted by MusicILove:
quote: Originally posted by Rhoobarb2005:
I never understand the idea behind selling digital download media in limited quantities.
It's to try and drive sales by using the fear of missing out. If they limit things by time or quantity people who would normally say oh I'll wait till I got some spare money will be more likely to buy in to it. Or people who want 1 or 2 tracks might buy the whole thing for fear this might be their last time to get it.
It's a very bad sales tactic in my opinion but unfortunately it does work. This however can be a shame for those people who missed out on the bundle or don't know about it at the time. They then have to turn to piracy as the only way to get the music they want.
It works as a sales tactic to bring money in quickly however in the long term I suspect it hurts the artists as most of the music then gets pirated as it is no longer available to buy.
I personally prefer to buy music whenever I can but unfortunately a lot of things are no longer available. This in my opinion is the fault of the artist and the labels they could be making money by selling their tracks, putting them on download stores so they're available to everyone whenever they want, but they choose not to and so they then cannot complain about piracy because people have no other way to get this music.
A lot of artists I fear are waiting until they have financial issues or want some quick cash to start selling digital versions of their music. This is what I think is happening with Force & Styles. I also think this is happening with Hixxy and raver baby as there are a significant amount of Raver Baby tracks available in digital and so this whole thing about the hard drive crash I think is rubbish.
All of the artists who made the tracks all of the people on the promo list all of the friends that they gave copies to, all of the CDs they burned to play out with. They can't say that because one hard drive Died the tracks will no longer exist. I'm perfectly fine with an MP3 copy if that's all we can get that is really better than a terrible vinyl rip.
Then again if Hixxy and force and styles sold all their old music to people they couldn't make money playing classic sets as they could hire a smaller name DJ's with the same tracks to do the same sets or perhaps even better. Most top DJs can barely mix and it really gets to me. There are some very talented DJs out there that deserve recognition but don't get it because promoters would rather have Hixxy or Dougal or Breeze on their flyer.
...or the artist/labels involved insist on it.
Taking my time to perfect the beat
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