Brand new track out. It was one that I had to accept was finished prematurely since my HD crashed and I lost the master for it, the project file and most of the rendered MP3's. This, though I could salvage. Its gone down quite well so far, despite my pessimism! Its a loose remix of Redline Day from the movie of the same name.
Dante Advanced Member
Vatican City State (Holy See)
1,185 posts Joined: Dec, 2009
Posted - 2012/06/25 : 14:07:48
Nice track, good atmosphere. Particularly liked that bridge with the breakbeats. 4:28-5:02, fantastic break and build, imo.
The "artist" formerly known as Nakk(enboro)!
Archefluxx Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,120 posts Joined: Sep, 2011
Posted - 2012/07/21 : 19:04:05
Thanks guys.
Yeah the bridge was the only factor I felt I really liked about it! Everything else needed major tweaking :)
Amazed but delighted at how well it'd been received by people!