Just interested what you guys think about the commerical release of this track?
I personally prefer the hardcore remix and still think its a classic (ahh college days)
But I think that the commercial remix would have the potential to do quite well, I mean it has a decent (for once) commercial sound and is a pretty decent commercial cover (considering I hate most commercial remix's).
Posted - 2006/11/06 : 15:18:47
STILL! dont understand why they dont release hardcore versions so much better, the video is shite aswell, at least its nice to see scotland's finest makin the effort...
GaMMeR WoTs It
GaMMeR Do Do
Posted - 2006/11/06 : 15:31:30
one of the first ever vinyls i bought was scot brown - i would stay! i think the hardcore remix is the best of the lot, though there is a couple of ok remixes too, CJ Stone springs to mind for being one of the good ones
Posted - 2006/11/07 : 16:38:57
The video was made in 2003!!
The two records he's mixing is the same record but different sides, one side is Turn Up The Music (Styles & Breeze Remix) - which is the hardcore version of I Would Stay, and the other side to the record that he's playing on the other deck is Ghosts.
Posted - 2006/11/08 : 10:17:18
AATW are just uploading all their previous signings' videos (released and unreleased).... "I Would Stay" ISN'T being released, so get your facts straight first lol
Posted - 2006/11/11 : 23:34:05
can someone post me more info on this?
I havn't seen the video !!!!!
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