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The Send Channel

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Posted - 2006/08/13 :  12:29:31  Show profile Send a private message
I here a lot of people talking about running certain effects through the send channel, so i'm thikning this is quite a major part of production that I am apparently missing out on, as I don't use the Send channel because I have no idea what it does.

Can anyone fill me in on what it does and possible give me some examples of how to use?

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Posted - 2006/08/13 :  14:07:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Underloop's homepage
it is effectively a branch off your audio line. your signal still goes down the main path to your main buss, but you have this extra route you can process. The "normal" uses are for effects such as reverb and delay. you still get your unprocessed signal, but you get an extra processed signal on top of it.

Badly described, and I don't have time to post more, I'm sure somebody will give a better description though!

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Posted - 2006/08/16 :  23:29:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Woxxy's homepage
The send-channel is just a channel that outputs the audio from the mixer, and the return-channel is a channel that inputs the audio from a source. Usually you will use it to add effects like this:
Mixer's send-channel->reverb's input channel->reverb's output channel->mixer's return-channel.

So if you're using a software DAW and don't have any effects for your mixer, then you need not worry about the send channel.

There's also a difference between a send-channel and an insert-channel.
The send-channel will add a certain effect to your signal and give you some of the original signal back, whereas an insert-channel will only give you the processed signal.
Consider it this way:
Send = Variable percentage of original signal
Insert = 0% of original signal
Not exactly, but you get the deal I hope.

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