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MC RizlaDizla
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 United Kingdom
1,056 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
Posted - 2002/03/29 : 04:14:21
Why do alot of ppl from across the alantic not like Raver baby and jelly baby ect.
i find it very intresting any infomation about raves/music and that in other countries. I have startd to get the impression that alot of Americans or canadians dis like this sort of hardcore.
could you tell me why ?
is it bcoz, and this is not a slate at all, you are behind in hardcore in a way. Do you feel that after awhile your hardcore scene will change like ours has. he uk hardcore scene died down in 99 and has only came back staring form l8 2001. Will the same mistakes be made over there too, or have you learnt from us and feel this will not happen over there(us).
Do you fink the sort of hardcore hixxy and ufo and breeze, styles will get big over there in time.
any info would be much appreciated.
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 09:36:07
Breeze is playin' here april 13, wOOp! =)
But as far as those sounds go, they aren't big here cuz the flavor of the moment seems to be DnB and NRG, so the harder, bangin' stuff is in style around me atleast, the baby labels , in my opinion are good but are liter and more harmonic sounding. the scene here likes it hard =P
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Brian K
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 United States
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 10:12:32
because most north american's prefer a harder sound. for the most part from a good portion of djs i've talked to they all pretty much feel the same way i do. it's great that they are pushing a new style, but it's not really want we are looking for.
keep it up if people over there are eating it up. for one it makes a new variety of hardcore (if i can call it that ). i feel that there are several labels that are pushing stuff in different directions, which i feel is the best thing for the scene.
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Oli G
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 United States
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 10:12:53
Yeah breeze is plapin in the usa on 13th.. im gonna find a hardcore event next time i go over there
i like the raverbabys and i think they will also reach out to people who dont like hardcore.. in the uk anyway..
but usa.. i have no idea what the scene is like
anyone care to engliten me?
\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
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 United States
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 10:24:32
i personally like the raverbaby sound except for #4... but most dj's around here just prefer the harder pounding style... it just adds to the variety or different hardcore styles which is always a good thing
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269 posts Joined: Aug, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/01 : 11:00:39
I love the tracks that RB, and JB have come out with, and so does every body i know.....
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 13:18:38
i hate that beat that hixxy insists on using!!
its not very energetic either.. i like my stuff upbeat and bouncy, not laid back and trancy
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 14:54:17
i agree with virus. i hate mixing from a nice happycore beat into that beat hixxy uses on the raver baby releases. some very quality choons, but that beat REALLY annoys me. and it sounds exactly the same on every track. same snare drum, same kick, same bass.
anyway thats my whinge.
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If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?
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 United Kingdom
104 posts Joined: Aug, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/01 : 17:47:16
Aww come on Jelly Baby 1 is cool I think. Dunno the track names cos I've got a promo copy and haven't checked yet.
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Brian K
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 United States
8,663 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 18:42:28
maybe if he sampled 4 of the same kick drums overlapping each other it might sound a lil better =P
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MC RizlaDizla
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 United Kingdom
1,056 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/01 : 22:55:00
there are some proppa banging RB stuff around, altho i dont fink many ppl would of heard them over the alantic yet. But belive soem very hard hardcore coming out.
will admit tho, i thought rb2 woz too soft, dotn fink come 2gether touches demos version.
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."
Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!
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Posted - 2002/04/01 : 23:55:55
I really like them & I think if the music has to much of a hard beat it just sounds really crap!!!
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Posted - 2002/04/02 : 05:24:04
quote: dotn fink come 2gether touches demos version.
yea, the VE mix of come together was much better, but i never liked that one either.. *ouCH!*
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 United Kingdom
457 posts Joined: Feb, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/02 : 06:32:13
oh my god i love altenative from raverbaby or is it jellybaby
and i like storms tunes on raverbaby much better than that horns crew whistle posse crap.
" when ya dont know where to go and lifes kinda slow ya gotta hit the raves and let your body lose control release the tension the pressure is high roll with the flow get high on the ride"
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MC RizlaDizla
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,056 posts Joined: Sep, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/02 : 09:11:24
when i first heard livin in a dream back in 11/11/01 slammin then it woz called "hardcore dreams"i didnt like it, but then hixxy scraped that 1 and re done it. now i love it and just xcept it. wikkidness
hahaha "this is noise" lol
"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush."
"Oh my goodness gracious me, Badboy Dj, Wikkid Mc."
Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!
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Dj Tripnosis
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418 posts Joined: Feb, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/02 : 11:59:02
I always used to like the beats Hixxy would use like My way, i love that bass . I Find now , with his new labels and songs that ( aprt form the Trance style) the bass is almost sort of anoying, i mean , they only sound good with more trancy songs, it's like you can't even mix them into classic HHC. Well you can but it's a noticible change, not your usual flow. I don't know, i like the majority of the songs but i think maybe they could have been written a bit faster, i always have to slow down my set in order to mix them in, same with VinylGroover ( when he used to be happy lol ) i mean, C'mon, pick up the damn pace
4-Beat 4-Ever
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4-Beat 4-Ever
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