Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
3,049 posts Joined: Nov, 2001
Posted - 2002/02/21 : 05:50:33
Breeze is fast becoming my hero :)
First off, you may have heard about the thing on, where he offered a CD of his NYE set for £2 + P&P ( sending a SAE envelope ) which is great.
There was a .rm file of the mix.
Before that though, he had another mix online, and very good it is too.
Amazingly I stumbled across a "proper" CD release of this! The ONLY flaw in this CD is that "Roll the Track" is played twice, other than that it cannot be faulted. It's mixed from CD Decks, and the sound quality should be very very good. I suggest buying it ASAP ;) D.Jay "Some people see things as they are... and say "Why?" I dream things that never were, and say "Why Not?" "
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