quote:Originally posted by B.C:
^^^Sharkey always does.
here here some say that sharkeys disc is the worst disc and bonkers and ruins it for people and that he should be trown off personally i think that if sharkey wasnt there that bonkers wouldnt sell half as many copies as it does now someone did start a forum on here about throwing sharkey off bonkers yeah they are entitled to opinion but he makes bonkers complete ;)
Whoever thinks that sharket should get thrown off bonkers:
Should get taken outside.
Get their legs and arms chopped off.
Get papercuts on their eyelids.
Set fire to their armpits.
Take their eyes out with a rusty spoon.
Force fed petrol to a nozzle.
Ignited, burnt alive and then final, shat on.
End of story.
BillyBigBalls you sound like a very disturbed individual!! Do any of your fetishes include something to do with your big balls, if they are of course big at all??
strong opinion but got noticed ;) ps SHARKEY RULES
quote:Originally posted by this-is-bonkers:
has the artwork changed at all? a few peopel have said it has but i cant see anything differnt...
Not really, maybe one or two small features changed. The only thing i can see however is that the faces are much more darker on each character on the actual cover.
quote:Originally posted by this-is-bonkers:
sharkey made bonkers along with hixxy!!!
Exactly, he has been there since Bonkers 1. He can't be thrown out.
He deserves to stay for his dedication and the fact that a lot of people love his music. And even though his genre is not my favorite, I still admire the guy.
Freeform god!
Enough said.
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