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Hardcore Super J-Trance Party Vol 1 & 2

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  10:15:58  Show profile Send a private message View the linked resource
Edited 8.10.2005:
Got the CD's last week, but have been busy with work etc, but finally got around to make the clips.

About the CD's, was a bit dissapointed with the first one, but really liked the second one. Reese's remix of "My Revolution" is definately my favourite from the 2 CD's. Was dissapointed that i couldnt find the artist names at all (Silver please post them if you know them), they might have been in the inlay, but i wouldnt know that as i cant read Japanese. The mixing was very similar to the Decadance compilations, meaning that they have fewer tracks per CD, but the tracks are much longer (i'll also post the track times too).

Clips are 1 minute long, 64Kbps. If you want to listen all the tracks, i added a zipfile that has all the clips, so you dont have to click "save as" so many times.

Hardcore Super J-Trance Party Vol. 1
1. Unknown Artist "Oh My Little Girl (Darwin Remix)" [4:19]
2. Unknown Artist "ラブストーリーは突然に (Gammer Remix)" [3:42]
3. Unknown Artist "La • La • La Love Song (Reese Remix)" [6:02]
4. Unknown Artist "Say Yes (Dougal & Gammer Remix)" [5:14]
5. Unknown Artist "幸せな結末 (Ufo Remix)" [4:50]
6. Unknown Artist "めぐり逢い (CLSM Remix)" [8:01]
7. Unknown Artist "名もなき詩 (Ufo Remix)" [4:33]
8. Unknown Artist "サボテンの花 (CLSM Remix)" [7:45]
9. Unknown Artist "君がいるだけで (The Acolyte Remix)" [7:09]
10. Unknown Artist "Pride (Sean Apollo Remix)" [6:09]

Hardcore Super J-Trance Party Vol. 2
1. Unknown Artist "Time Goes By (Weaver Remix)" [7:44]
2. Unknown Artist "世界中の誰よりきっと (Dougal & Gammer Remix)" [3:07]
3. Unknown Artist "負けないで (Fracus Remix)" [5:30]
4. Unknown Artist "異邦人 (CLSM Remix)" [7:00]
5. Unknown Artist "フレンズ (Fracus Remix)" [5:25]
6. Unknown Artist "Destiny (Weaver Remix)" [6:22]
7. Unknown Artist "Everything (Weaver Remix)" [6:32]
8. Unknown Artist "Hold On Me (Gavin G Remix)" [4:27]
9. Unknown Artist "My Revolution (Reese Remix)" [6:19]
10. Unknown Artist "今すぐ Kiss Me (The Acolyte Remix)" [6:24]

You can also DL all the clips as a zip file by clicking here

Old post:
Damn, cant wait till those 2 are released, just preordered both of them from CDJapan :D

Anyway congrats to Silver for getting to mix (and compiling) a second CD serie, and to Acolyte and Apollo for getting their remixes to it, looking forward to hearing them :) Also the CLSM remixes should be intresting. I'm still a bit sceptic about the Ufo remix though, as hes remix of Ayumi Hamasaki's Evolution, sounded like he just quickly slapped it together, without adding anything "Ufoish" to it.

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Edited by - whispering on 2005/10/08 09:46:01
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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  13:23:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit bulby_g's homepage
Think i'll probably try and get a copy of these should be an interesting, different cd at the very least. Is there any clips available to listen to?


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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  13:31:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whittle1's homepage
I don't understand.
The sounds that big producer likes UFO & Weaver remixed, are they just uk tunes, but remixed with japanese voices or something?
Sorry I have no knowledge on the subject


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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  13:37:47  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit bulby_g's homepage
Its Japanese pop tunes remixed by some well known hardcore artist probably in their usual style I should think.


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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  14:18:07  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by bulby_g:
Its Japanese pop tunes remixed by some well known hardcore artist probably in their usual style I should think.

You are correct sir. Well, I didn't get to add my usual manic general spasticness, but thats for other tracks

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  16:39:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whispering's homepage
Originally posted by bulby_g:
Think i'll probably try and get a copy of these should be an interesting, different cd at the very least. Is there any clips available to listen to?

If, when the CD's are released (read: i get my copy), you still havent heard any clips. I can make them and add to the record database, though will have to consult with Silver about that first.

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Edited by - whispering on 2005/08/31 16:41:12

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  16:41:08  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
The album is targetted for the Japanese market, hence the cheesiness of the entire thing - the goal is to get the trancey side of hardcore as popular as general trance is in Japan which is marketing in a simular way.... I really like the albums the tunes are great :)

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  16:44:33  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whispering's homepage
Originally posted by silver:
the goal is to get the trancey side of hardcore as popular as general trance is in Japan which is marketing in a simular way.... I really like the albums they the tunes are great :)

Btw, the news didnt say the artists, just wondering who they are? havent heard those tunes, so wondering if i know the artists :p

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  17:06:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mark-ireland's homepage
The thought makes me cringe. Wont be buying it.

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  17:54:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit bristolboy05's homepage
i want both of these cd's, i hope they can get posted to the uk.

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  18:17:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit bulby_g's homepage
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by bulby_g:
Think i'll probably try and get a copy of these should be an interesting, different cd at the very least. Is there any clips available to listen to?

If, when the CD's are released (read: i get my copy), you still havent heard any clips. I can make them and add to the record database, though will have to consult with Silver about that first.

OK cheers if not ill just have to hear what people have to say about them I know Silver has already said there good but so would I if i'd mixed the cd ;p


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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  18:21:01  Show profile  Send a private message
Congrats silver!

I think I'll wait til i hear the clips til I buy anything would be pretty dumb not to.

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  18:34:20  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whittle1's homepage
Originally posted by B.C:
I think I'll wait til i hear the clips til I buy anything would be pretty dumb not to.

Took the words outta my mouth...
Before I'm gonna buy this, can we have some clips please? The idea sounds appealing to me, but I and i'm sure alot of others on this site would love to listen to a few clips from it just to help us make up our mind.


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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  19:50:08  Show profile  Send a private message
Great! 3 albums mixed by Silver this year

When do you start shipping?

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Sean Apollo
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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  20:14:45  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit Sean Apollo's homepage
Wow, thats my first time seeing the tracklists. I am honored to be even reconized with some of these artists...

Congrads once again to silver!

- Sean Apollo

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Posted - 2005/08/31 :  20:22:20  Show profile  Send a private message
I want em but i might have to get them imported.. oh well.

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