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 Music discussion - hardcore

the theme behind hhc lyrics

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Posted - 2001/04/05 :  17:07:36  Show profile Send a private message
as far as lyrical hhc goes, has anyone else noticed how many of the songs' lyrics focus on lost love, love not working out, wishing for a love that you cant have. . .

i know thats a pretty big generalization, (and of course there are exceptions) but just wondering if anyone else had noticed it. it just strikes me as kind of a paradox that hhc (being happy, chipper, hyper) has lyrics which are usually sad in nature.

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.

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DJ Tempest
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Posted - 2001/04/05 :  17:16:34  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DJ Tempest's homepage heart of gold..omg..that song is SO sad!!!

"I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died."
-Steven Wright

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Posted - 2001/04/05 :  22:26:16  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Image.... you are in the middle of the packed dance floor... the room is really hot, your dancing hard to the beat, everyone around you is going hard, the DJ brings over the mix into say Heart of gold, you can hear it coming in, it give you goose bumps over your arms, boom the track kicks in with the vocals.... everyone on the floor screams, whistles / horns blowning with hands in the air... it brings a tear to your eye it's so powerful.

The words to the track just make you stronger.

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  01:33:29  Show profile  Send a private message
And what about the bass drum! Always in a mix when heart of gold is coming my headphone is gonna explode

But almost every song in every genre goes about love? It's not so trange because you can not sing about your toothbrush

Hardcore, when people want more

* Ok gabbers from Italy and Holland, it's time for a ******* war, so join the army of hardcore and clap your hands to this *

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  02:56:25  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Sander do you mean that you are happy about it or that the mix is just loud?

Generally if the mix is really loud it means it is not perfectly mixed.

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  04:33:05  Show profile  Send a private message
I mean both. I love that bass, but I don't know.. compare to other songs it is louder. When I'm listening to a mix I have to volume to the max that my ears can handle.. But if heart of gold is coming then I must drop the volume a little bit otherwise the bass drum will sound euhm.. well not distorded but not clean anymore.

Hardcore, when people want more

* Ok gabbers from Italy and Holland, it's time for a ******* war, so join the army of hardcore and clap your hands to this *

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  06:24:44  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Well the DJ didn't adjust the gain correctly. I'll play heart of gold for you inside my next DJ set next week and you tell me if it happens.

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  10:55:22  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by Sander:

But almost every song in every genre goes about love? It's not so trange because you can not sing about your toothbrush

hahah. . . well aside from singing about toothbrushes. . . hiphop/rap has the whole "im awesome" theme going on, and older alternative definitely wasn't about love all the time. . . just interesting how different genres often lend themselves to a certain theme of lyrics.

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.

odayakana mizu no nagare wa ****i.

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Posted - 2001/04/06 :  15:02:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit GT's homepage
Agree with Silver, as long as the vocals aint too cheesy, it's damn powerful when summat like that drops in. E.g, Love of My Life, especially the original version. It just makes my hairs stand up on end!

'You picked me up, and swept me away....'

'You picked me up, and swept me away....'

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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  10:50:33  Show profile  Send a private message
I've noticed that most HHC songs are based around love...except stuff like children of the night

"Like a shooting star across the midnight sky, wherever you are, you're gonna see me fly"

"Like a shooting star across the midnight sky, wherever you are, you're gonna see me fly"

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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  11:07:01  Show profile  Send a private message
Thats what makes it hear a song that reminds you of a old boy/girlfriend and you remember the good times the bad times and how you got through them. The songs revolve around love because love is so powerful. Love can bring any emotion to life...Happy, Sad, Mad, Joy, Anger...thats the best part of it. Then you put the lyrics into a song with a melody and a bangin beat...WOW, the impact is undescribable.

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"

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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  11:13:49  Show profile  Send a private message

Well if you think about it, the majority of songs from every genre are focused on love (I would say about 90% of all the songs ever made)....

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik

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mc trev
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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  12:23:00  Show profile  Send a private message
its supposed to be loud
just coz heart of gold comes on u shouldn't turn it down
infact if my speakers arn't on full wak when tunes like that come on i'll turn it up full wak

but that never happens because ive never turned my volume down

& i told u it was boys love music (i did a post about this ages ago)
p.s its girls too

Ravers are united in dance ,Ravers are united in dance , united in united in were united in dance, dave prattley is united in dance , dave prattley is united in dance...

The HH Weekender then its Spain :)

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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  13:50:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit o0sameyeam0o's homepage
Originally posted by silver:
Image.... you are in the middle of the packed dance floor... the room is really hot, your dancing hard to the beat, everyone around you is going hard, the DJ brings over the mix into say Heart of gold, you can hear it coming in, it give you goose bumps over your arms, boom the track kicks in with the vocals.... everyone on the floor screams, whistles / horns blowning with hands in the air... it brings a tear to your eye it's so powerful.

The words to the track just make you stronger.

honestly i couldnt have said it better. im gettting goose bumps just thinking about it, those moments when you feel complete bliss, a music that inspires you to just live. and everyone in the room has the same feelings as you, its amazing

o0:: MaX rEsPeKts ::0o


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Don Giovanni
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Posted - 2002/07/09 :  14:21:56  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by silver:
Image.... you are in the middle of the packed dance floor... the room is really hot, your dancing hard to the beat, everyone around you is going hard, the DJ brings over the mix into say Heart of gold, you can hear it coming in, it give you goose bumps over your arms, boom the track kicks in with the vocals.... everyone on the floor screams, whistles / horns blowing with hands in the air... it brings a tear to your eye it's so powerful.
The words to the track just make you stronger.

EXACTLY. The theme of love, and love lost is the main reasons i love happy hardcore so very much. I am a huge sap I guess and very emotional. Love has always been the main reason my being.
Dunno how many times I’ve cried a little on the dance floor all the while dancing harder and harder. Feeling so much happiness and sadness at the same time… so much energy and emotion. The feeling truly in overwhelming!

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!

Together united as one indeed,

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