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Skining up @ raves

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2001/09/24 :  11:23:21  Show profile View artist profile Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
I hate it when your in a rave and have to try and skin up. Your hands are soaking, the papers stick, you have to watch out for the bouncers, especially if your @ Bagleys etc.

Has anyone got a method of bringing in pre rolled spliffs passed the secruity as I would love to know.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush".

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Posted - 2001/09/24 :  12:18:28  Show profile  Send a private message
hehe, i know wot u mean mate. clammy hands, soggy rizla. i've done this once to save that problem - take the battery out yer mobile and put em in there. depends how much u need yer phone. lucky 1 person i'm with never usually has a phone so i'll stick em in one of me old shitey phones and give it to him, then they can't b suspicious of goin in with 2 phones.

You look like you're in another world, but i can read your mind. 4 o'clock in the morning, and it's starting to get light.

You look like you're in another world, but i can read your mind. 4 o'clock in the morning, and it's starting to get light.

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Posted - 2001/09/24 :  18:17:59  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Elation's homepage
sogarific, ive been there. if yer goin in with a little chickie, she can put stuff in between her tits. thats saved me alot. they gotta be big enough though.

also putting them in a wee narrow, but long zip lock bag and putting the bag against yer skin at the same level as yer belt. only put the top of the bag there so as they dont get squished. so the belt holds the top of the bag and the rest hangs under it, and its all right up to yer skin.
ive done this and then had a bouncer (while checking me) grab either side of my pants and shake me and the bag never moved. it sounds wierd, but its worked for me.

its a real learning curve. lol.


(:(:4BEAT 4EVER:):)

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2001/09/25 :  10:14:24  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
Originally posted by happyraveruk:

hehe, i know wot u mean mate. clammy hands, soggy rizla. i've done this once to save that problem - take the battery out yer mobile and put em in there. depends how much u need yer phone. lucky 1 person i'm with never usually has a phone so i'll stick em in one of me old shitey phones and give it to him, then they can't b suspicious of goin in with 2 phones.

You look like you're in another world, but i can read your mind. 4 o'clock in the morning, and it's starting to get light.

I tried this last night, but my MB was really light. Wont they noitce. I'm think about have a little inside pocket made somewhere on me as 1 of my bosses companies designs sportswear.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush".

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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Posted - 2001/09/25 :  21:27:11  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
There is a company in Australia called Rushn and they make raver pants with a small pocket in the front of the pants where the zipper should be, no one touches you there :)

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Posted - 2001/10/12 :  21:33:42  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djbungle's homepage
why would u wanna get stoned @ a RAVE(rave sounds so old).?
when u can lots ov XTC or whizz.


It takes 1 tree to make a 1000 matches and 1 match to burn a 1000 tree's

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2001/10/12 :  21:48:41  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage
No you see I dont smoke fags. The only thing I smoke is draw. When I'm pilled up, pissed or anything I spark up.

But also it helps you get more ****ed on pills. It helps you come up and when you are up it make it better. Well it does for me.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush".

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2001/10/13 :  18:32:11  Show profile  Send a private message
the best thing to do is get one of those kits where you make your own fags,seen them? when you're making them,stick a bit of weed in them then put them in a fag packet,just smoke 1 then another after and you're sorted,stoned ;)

DJ Mouse In Da House!!!

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Brian K
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Posted - 2001/10/14 :  00:16:38  Show profile  Send a private message
something i used to do was to take a cig, empty out all the tobaco, then repack it...(i never knew i could use my biology utensils for something other than disecting ) you can put in as many of them as you want and they look like cigs

"If Yoda so smart in Force is, why words in right order he put not?"

"we'll delete the weak"

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Posted - 2003/02/05 :  18:55:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit djstoned's homepage
Ahhhh i know exactly what youre saying about a post-pill-spliff there Sean. Nothing quite like it is there!! :)

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Don Giovanni
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Posted - 2003/02/05 :  19:18:40  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by silver:
There is a company in Australia called Rushn and they make raver pants with a small pocket in the front of the pants where the zipper should be, no one touches you there :)

In Canada we have a clothing label called Snug. Many pairs of Snugs have something like that in the front where the zippers are. I don't do any drugs but i've used that pocket to smuggle in GUM. Ya thats right GUM, lots of security here will take your packaged excel gum :P, so I hide it in there sometimes...Pretty pathetic when u have to smuggle in Gum lol...but ya it works.

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!

Together united as one indeed,

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