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 Music discussion - hardcore

DNA's Posthumous Tracks

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  16:39:57  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mj-dream's homepage  Reply with quote
if i remember rightly i had these but lost them on my old pc be nice to get them again :)

mmmm i love it hard

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  16:40:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit latininxtc's homepage  Reply with quote
Although the song that I really may not be in the collection, a re-upload would be greatly appreciated by any members, old and new. i do remember the rest of the tracks on there were phenomenal in their own right. but i am still wanting all mine. for those of you who don't know which track i'm talking about, give me a few moments to find it.

the only place i have ever heard this track is on happy hour radio, the internet radio show that was broadcasted by canadian djs anabolic frolic and silver1. yes i know how some of y'all feel about anabolic, please let's turn this into a "we hate him" thread, even though i now agree with what some of y'all say about him

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  16:56:32  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mj-dream's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Samination:
where these happy hardcore or breakbeat/jungle?

DnBish if i remember right. They were supposed to be like this crossgenre stuff, then DNA got slated on USH for "abandoning Hardcore", got pissed, trashed most of the tunes, later posted some of them with one track having that classic "i hope you mother dies in a car accident" sample (cant remember what movie it was from) which was supposedly aimed at the USH users.

Edit: the original news piece:
scroll down to 2004/02/06

Edit 2: ...and he topic where DNA explanes the thing:

pisses me off every time i read that ya know,his post could of been written today it still rings so true.

what a loss and what a pile of shit were left with today.

mmmm i love it hard

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  17:24:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit latininxtc's homepage  Reply with quote
alright here is a sample of the DNA song that i am searching for. it's really poor quality, so i recommend you just preview it

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  17:27:43  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage  Reply with quote
I have the song, just not the permission to upload it as it was not one of the ones given away at that time. I'm guessing he specifically didn't want it given away or he would have added it to the ones that were, or maybe there was actually some other reason but either way i can't be sure.

What's funny about all this that Hardcore eventually evolved to that sound anwyay, he was just way ahead of his time.

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Edited by - Hard2Get on 2009/05/31 17:35:31
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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  18:11:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit latininxtc's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I have the song, just not the permission to upload it as it was not one of the ones given away at that time. I'm guessing he specifically didn't want it given away or he would have added it to the ones that were, or maybe there was actually some other reason but either way i can't be sure.

What's funny about all this that Hardcore eventually evolved to that sound anwyay, he was just way ahead of his time.

o man i totally agree! i haven't pulled it out to get a listen for it in years, and i realized that as well. i wonder what djs and fans think of this now, or if any of them have any regrets that this was not defended or given enough attention to.

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Posted - 2009/05/31 :  19:52:25  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Triquatra's homepage  Reply with quote
thing is - i dont remember anyone saying that they didnt like - all i remember is people saying that other people had bad mouthed him after a mix-reaction crowd response at an event back in the early 00's...dont remember anyone actually saying they hated it..

Triquatra/Bee Trax/Cuttlefish - -

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Posted - 2009/06/15 :  21:42:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Kosmic's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I have the song

Whats that song called man?


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Posted - 2009/06/15 :  22:31:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Kosmic:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I have the song

Whats that song called man?

It's called All Mine

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Posted - 2009/07/07 :  16:28:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Revs's homepage  Reply with quote
Where can I download it ? And what kind of Breakbeat Hardcore is it, oldskool stuff, or the nuskool stuff like Reese, Darwin, Orbit1, Jakazid, Wizbit, etc ?

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Posted - 2009/07/10 :  13:14:26  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by DJ Revs:
Where can I download it ? And what kind of Breakbeat Hardcore is it, oldskool stuff, or the nuskool stuff like Reese, Darwin, Orbit1, Jakazid, Wizbit, etc ?

I'll upload 3 of the DNA tracks that were given out (not including All Mine since that wasn't given out), there is a couple more but i don't have them, also only one of these is breakbeat. He did alot more than that though but you'd need to refer to his Slammin' Vinyl set to hear the rest.

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Edited by - Hard2Get on 2009/07/10 13:23:46

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Posted - 2009/07/10 :  13:36:52  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Triquatra's homepage  Reply with quote
haaaaaaaaaaaaa i totally forgot to post clips of the mix, if i remember tonight i will do it!

Triquatra/Bee Trax/Cuttlefish - -

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Posted - 2009/07/10 :  13:44:43  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Hard2Get's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
haaaaaaaaaaaaa i totally forgot to post clips of the mix, if i remember tonight i will do it!

Just upload the whole thing :P I did have it at one point but the sound quality was pretty bad so i just deleted it, i'm pretty sure it's still uploaded somewhere as it's a common set.

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