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warped_candykid Advanced Member
United States
3,969 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
Posted - 2023/05/26 : 07:40:35
Even with 24/7 & Brutal Kutz dipping back into the 90s HHC sound, the lyrics are still mostly all heavy emotional, with a few exceptions here or there.
I would love for a return of the cheesy lyrics with certain word choices we just don't seem to hear anymore:
Vladel Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,522 posts Joined: Feb, 2008
Posted - 2023/05/27 : 18:54:15
quote:Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Even with 24/7 & Brutal Kutz dipping back into the 90s HHC sound, the lyrics are still mostly all heavy emotional, with a few exceptions here or there.
I would love for a return of the cheesy lyrics with certain word choices we just don't seem to hear anymore: