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warped_candykid Advanced Member
United States
3,969 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
Posted - 2019/11/30 : 17:30:36
There's a CD series going around now that's pulling in a few UK Hardcore tracks called Technobase.FM. Volumes 19 - 24 have some UK Hardcore towards the end of the mixes, other than that, it's mostly 'Hands Up'/Hard Trance.
MusicILove Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/30 : 19:25:24
quote:Originally posted by warped_candykid:
There's a CD series going around now that's pulling in a few UK Hardcore tracks called Technobase.FM. Volumes 19 - 24 have some UK Hardcore towards the end of the mixes, other than that, it's mostly 'Hands Up'/Hard Trance.
I like hardcore and hands up trance this looks like something I would be in to.
DJGouda New Member
76 posts Joined: Oct, 2015
Posted - 2019/11/30 : 19:28:55
I personally really enjoy this series and I own every album released up to this point. But my enjoyment mostly comes down to me also liking the Hands Up sound as well. I wouldn't recommend the Cds if you're only interested in th UK Hardcore tracks on there. They tend to be on only at the very end of one of the three mixes and the track selection also usually is limited to the "biggest hits". Expect to see mostly get tracks by Tweekacore, Darren Styles, Technikore and S3RL.
I find the trend of including UK Hardcore tracks on German compilation albums intersting though. The style really seems to get a lot more popular again, as even (one of) the most popular EDM compilations in Germany (previously focused on mostly house music) now usually includes UK Hardcore tunes.
But coming back to the TechnoBase.FM series, if you like the current sound of Hands Up or want to give a try, this series is by far the best choise. It features tracks of both established but also upcoming and unknown producers. The current Hands Up sound is the direction I've always wished UK Hardcore would take. Here are some examples:
MusicILove Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,286 posts Joined: Mar, 2019
Posted - 2019/11/30 : 19:33:26
quote:Originally posted by DJGouda:
I personally really enjoy this series and I own every album released up to this point. But my enjoyment mostly comes down to me also liking the Hands Up sound as well. I wouldn't recommend the Cds if you're only interested in th UK Hardcore tracks on there. They tend to be on only at the very end of one of the three mixes and the track selection also usually is limited to the "biggest hits". Expect to see mostly get tracks by Tweekacore, Darren Styles, Technikore and S3RL.
I find the trend of including UK Hardcore tracks on German compilation albums intersting though. The style really seems to get a lot more popular again, as even (one of) the most popular EDM compilations in Germany (previously focused on mostly house music) now usually includes UK Hardcore tunes.
But coming back to the TechnoBase.FM series, if you like the current sound of Hands Up or want to give a try, this series is by far the best choise. It features tracks of both established but also upcoming and unknown producers. The current Hands Up sound is the direction I've always wished UK Hardcore would take. Here are some examples:
This is my sort of thing definitely. I?ll pick up one of these CD?s and give it a try.
danielseven Senior Member
350 posts Joined: Jan, 2010
Posted - 2019/12/01 : 14:31:20
quote:Originally posted by warped_candykid:
There's a CD series going around now that's pulling in a few UK Hardcore tracks called Technobase.FM. Volumes 19 - 24 have some UK Hardcore towards the end of the mixes, other than that, it's mostly 'Hands Up'/Hard Trance.
Even the D.Trance series is starting to put a few UK / Happy Hardcore tracks on their CDs. The last D.Trance release got a track by Alaguan.
Daniel Seven - Italian Hardcore DJ/Producer - Soundcloud
Samination Advanced Member
13,194 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
195 hardcore releases
Posted - 2019/12/01 : 20:29:52
god damn, their still pushing out d.trance? i thought they stopped after gary.d died
Samination, Swedish Hardcore DJ
Happy, UK Hardcore, Freeform, Makina and Gabber ---------------------------------------------
danielseven Senior Member
350 posts Joined: Jan, 2010
Posted - 2019/12/01 : 21:38:04
quote:Originally posted by Samination:
god damn, their still pushing out d.trance? i thought they stopped after gary.d died
Why they should stop? It's a nice series, and I'm so happy they're keeping on it! Unlike Future Trance, they didn't switch into mainstream stuff.
Daniel Seven - Italian Hardcore DJ/Producer - Soundcloud
Alert moderatorEdited by - danielseven on 2019/12/01 21:38:31
warped_candykid Advanced Member
United States
3,969 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
Posted - 2019/12/05 : 04:45:33
Preview for Vol.26. The sample is hands-up tracks BUT it shows a cover of the album, and the cover has Happy Hardcore in the tagline, so there'll be some towards the end of at least one of the mixes. :)
warped_candykid Advanced Member
United States
3,969 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
Posted - 2019/12/05 : 04:47:40
quote:Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Preview for Vol.26. The sample is hands-up tracks BUT it shows a cover of the album, and the cover has Happy Hardcore in the tagline, and I can see Dougal & Hixxy in the artists lists, so there'll be some towards the end of at least one of the mixes. :)