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 Music discussion - hardcore

Gammer Kool London Show

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Posted - 2019/07/24 :  19:24:05  Show profile Send a private message
Does anyone have the full show. I had it years ago but lost it.
The download link doesn't work anymore.

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Posted - 2019/07/24 :  22:24:24  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit MichaelFairways's homepage
sorry no, i refuse to watch or listening to anything connected with that arsehole in it now.

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Posted - 2019/07/26 :  21:23:03  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit MusicILove's homepage
I dislike his new music. However I won?t let that stop me enjoying his older music. No matter what happens, no matter what he does or says I will always enjoy his older music.

Listening to his live sets and watching YouTube videos of him taught me so much about Mixing. It turned me from a boring intro / outro DJ to a technical DJ that gets a joy out of doing things differently. I won?t forget that.

He is looking after number 1, doing what?s best for him his wife and kids. He released most of his music throughout his hardcore career. More than most do. He owes hardcore nothing he should just enjoy life. Everyone should enjoy life. Yes in my opinion his new music is bad but in a lot of people?s opinion hardcore is bad. People like what they like.

I say good luck to him.

Check out Music I Love's Mixes on #SoundCloud

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Edited by - MusicILove on 2019/07/26 21:31:56
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Posted - 2019/07/27 :  07:43:18  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit LeVzi's homepage
Originally posted by MusicILove:
I dislike his new music. However I won?t let that stop me enjoying his older music. No matter what happens, no matter what he does or says I will always enjoy his older music.

Listening to his live sets and watching YouTube videos of him taught me so much about Mixing. It turned me from a boring intro / outro DJ to a technical DJ that gets a joy out of doing things differently. I won?t forget that.

He is looking after number 1, doing what?s best for him his wife and kids. He released most of his music throughout his hardcore career. More than most do. He owes hardcore nothing he should just enjoy life. Everyone should enjoy life. Yes in my opinion his new music is bad but in a lot of people?s opinion hardcore is bad. People like what they like.

I say good luck to him.

I haven't seen what he said , only heard it from other sources, if it exists i'd like to see it.

BUT, I never liked him from day one, always found him cringey. No doubt he's made some bangers, a new feeling with Cat Knight is my personal favourite, and im not a fan of vocal hardcore.

People who are cringely nice all the time but then can attack and say things against the scene that made them, were never nice people to begin with.

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Posted - 2019/07/31 :  22:50:22  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Connormgs's homepage

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Edited by - Connormgs on 2019/07/31 22:53:00
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Posted - 2019/07/31 :  23:09:35  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit MusicILove's homepage
Sadly not the one with Gammer in but thanks anyway.

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