Starting Member

3 posts Joined: Jan, 2007
Posted - 2007/01/15 : 20:44:57
[0 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: X-Terminate III - The Face of Pain
Starts: February 17th, 2007
Country: Austria
Province: Steiermark
17.02.2007 - X-Terminate III - The face of pain
Seifenfabrik Graz
- Partyraiser (Hellbound) - NL
- Amok (The Third Movement, Kne'Deep) - DE
- Cut A Kaos (Hellgate) - CH
- Nightmare (A nightmare in Italy) - IT
- Conquest Hardcore LIVE
- Mr. Madness (Conquest Hardcore) - SLO
- Naughty Guy (Conquest Hardcore)
- Framerunner (Conquest Hardcore)
- Ryc (Undergroundsociety)
- Grano (Skullgabberclan)
Host: MC D-Fiend (Conquest Hardcore)
- Multi Colour Laser show
- hardest sound system in Austria
- Monster stage
- big merchandise area
- hot gogos
- fast food station
- gaming area hosted by X-Box 360
- no dress code
- welcome drink for every girl in sexy outfit
AK: € 17,-
VVK: € 15,-
Spark7: € 13,-
VIP: € 50,- (free drinks, food, merchandise bon etc.)
Bestellungen & mehr Infos: [email protected] bzw. http://www.conquest-hc.at CU in GRAZ
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