
8,453 posts Joined: Nov, 2002
Posted - 2005/02/27 : 19:14:03
[0 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: Impulse
Starts: 2005/3/11
Country: Finland
Pain On Creation Live (Finrg Hard, Teflon Bullet, Camel Recordings, Electronic)
Karri K (Finrg, Klubi, playing classic uk hardhouse set)
Friik (Säde, Hellfire)
Miika Kuisma (Subtraxx, J00F)
Akir0 (Impulse)
Venue: Cumulus Nightlife, Vapaudenkatu 24, LAHTI
Doors: 22:00-04:00
Agelimit: 18 years
Tickets: 6 euros from the door
Capacity: 600 people
Technical solutions by Tourtek Helsinki
Visuals by Impulse
Hotel Accommodation: Hotel Cumulus offers a single or
a double room for Impulse partypeople for only 60 euros/room!
This special rate includes also a large buffet breakfast at hotel's
All reservations directly from Cumulus Lahti reseption
Tel: +358(0)3 813 711
Fax: +358(0)3 781 8922
Email: [email protected]
More info from Cumulus, Lahti and Impulse
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