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mr bishi
Advanced Member

874 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
49 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 15:17:05
I brought a couple of me mates who aren't into the scene at all n they said it was the best night they have had in ages.Cant say better than that.
Fair play to every1 involved
Hell hath no fury like a hippo with a machine gun.
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Average Member

167 posts Joined: Mar, 2004
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 15:17:42
Had an amazing nite music was cracking
mc's were deadly
Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
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Advanced Member

1,667 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
17 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 15:40:02
HAHA nice1 john cant wait for the next one!!!
We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Oxygen Records Support Irish Hardcore Click Below
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New Member

23 posts Joined: Oct, 2002
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 16:38:30
excelent nite, defo da start of things to come id say. vibes was amazin - quality set! cant wait 4 more nites like dat.
Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?
Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?
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1,667 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
17 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 19:06:29
quote: excelent nite, defo da start of things to come id say. vibes was amazin - quality set! cant wait 4 more nites like dat.
Ye hope its the start of many more events and not just a one off which i doubt it is.
We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Oxygen Records Support Irish Hardcore Click Below
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Senior Member

495 posts Joined: Feb, 2004
18 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 20:14:33
Part 2 is planned apparenly. Let's hope so! - FREE Hardcore & Trance Polyphonic tones.
Taking my time to perfect the beat...
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1,667 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
17 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/22 : 20:18:47
It is planed hope it goes ahead :)
We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Oxygen Records Support Irish Hardcore Click Below
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1,667 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
17 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/24 : 01:44:09
The next one will be on around the second week of october on a saturday night. Vibes and Slipmatt are probally going to be djing along with the rest of the crew.
We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Oxygen Records Support Irish Hardcore Click Below
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Average Member

167 posts Joined: Mar, 2004
Posted - 2004/08/24 : 23:47:23
I'll tell you now i'll be there no doubt
Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
Drugs are bad mkay.... mkay...!!!
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,311 posts Joined: Oct, 2002
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 00:34:14
y not be bold and get some one like kev energy over instead of "old skool" dj's!!!
anyways .. go to wilderness :D:D:D
plenty more local talent in ireland, so why bring over english dj's, know what i mean
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1,667 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
17 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 00:55:49
Theres plenty of irish djs at it four dubliners and the mcs are irish.
And vibes has something to do with ireland i think he was born in kilkenny or his ma and da where or somthing. Because adults and that dont like raving in fields when theres a proper venue available.
And the fact is theres not enough well established djs in ireland if there was you wouldnt need to rave in a field not that theres anything wrong with it just if your serious you need a proper venue and brilliant djs and good crowd.
We will not compromise quality for popularity amongst the minority.
Oxygen Records Support Irish Hardcore Click Below
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Edited by - mark-ireland on 2004/08/25 01:28:52 |
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,311 posts Joined: Oct, 2002
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 13:05:52
dont get me wrong mate i aint slaggin the nite or anything just if iw as gonna go to a venue to see a hardcore dj i wud rather go see someone more upfront or freeform
as for raving ina field and adults etc dude there were ppl in their 50's at wilderness
plus u have to remember were the rave scene started, in fields, warehouses, its all part of the fun .. no rules no regulations no arseholes looking for fights .. its an amazing atmosphere ...
plus also ppl were complainin theres no hardcore events or anything in ireland.. yet we've put in all the effort to get wilderness goin and the first was a major sucess .. and a second is happenin in 3 weeks .. yet i get the impression your turnin your nose up at the idea of "dancin in a field" ??
like **** me dude ... i'm coming down from belfast to support this, why can u get a crowd of ppl to go to it? you will then realise that its not what u wud expect,
but at the end of the day ppl will have preferences, cos at the end of the day its all hardcore ... but dont moan about no hardcorein ireland .. then turnin your nose up at illegal raves ... alright mate :) i aint provkin a fight just sayin... but glad this nite was a sucess
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23 posts Joined: Oct, 2002
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 19:33:26
I was at wilderness and hardcore nation and am defo goin 2 wilderness 2 and hardcore nation 2. In a field, in a club, it doesnt matter a f**k! Both class nites, no agro wit any1. As long as things keep goin from strength to strength we av nothin 2 complain about!
Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?
Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?
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johny lucas
Starting Member

13 posts Joined: Aug, 2004
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 20:34:35
wilderness is on in 3weeks anyone got more info on this ?
as for the dj i do think we have some very good local djs but its good see some of the djs that have been there from the start i also think it would be good if some other djs came over not just the same one or two .
so i ask you all this what dj would like to see at the next event ?
i would ike to see dj Bass Generator or to go realy Oldskool i would like to see PABLO GARGANO and MC GQ
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johny lucas
Starting Member

13 posts Joined: Aug, 2004
Posted - 2004/08/25 : 21:56:45
p.s i have some tapes and cds that i am looking to swap so if any one is interested just give me a bell also anyone know where i can get mp3s online
thank you
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