Advanced Member

 United States
2,849 posts Joined: Jun, 2005
Posted - 2006/01/20 : 02:17:16
Okay, this is my first time making my mixes public. This is one I made to practice for my next high school dance, where my first set is club like and my second is all hardcore.
Warning: There was no vinyl involved. While I did purchase every song that is on this mix, some if not all but one song have been previously mixed or were on a compilation.
Needless to say, I decided the track order, DJ'ed them (live by the way), and they do not have premade transitions. So, I hope this doesn't violate anything.
But, in terms of the mix itself, feel free to provide feedback. And, if anyone would care to know, I use mp3's or wav's that have been ripped from cd's (mine...that I bought). I use Native Intstruments Traktor DJ Studio 2.6.2.
The scratching and transitions are all copyright me.
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